H3ld / MongoFramework

An "Entity Framework"-like interface for the MongoDB C# Driver

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An "Entity Framework"-like interface for the MongoDB C# Driver

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MongoFramework tries to bring some of the nice features from Entity Framework into the world of MongoDB.

Some of the major features include:

  • Smart entity mapping for collections, IDs and properties
  • Entity change tracking
  • Changeset support (allowing for queuing multiple DB updates to run at once)
  • Diff-updates (only changes to an entity to be written)
  • Entity mutation (allowing automatic changes on properties during select/insert/update calls)
  • Navigation properties for related entities (both single-entity relationships and collections)
  • Entity Buckets (clustering of small documents together, optimised for write performance)

Entity Attributes

Through attributes on entities and their properties, you have control over various aspects of how the entities are saved or processed.

Component Model Attributes

Following similarly to Entity Framework, MongoFramework utilises the data annotations as part of the System.ComponentModel.Annotations package.

[Table("MyFancyEntity", Schema = "MyNamespace")]

Map the Entity to the collection specified. When a schema is specified, it is prefixed onto the name with a "." (dot) separator.


Map the property as the "Id" for the entity.


Unmaps the property from the entity when reading/writing.


Remaps the property with the specified name when reading/writing.

[ForeignKey("NameOfIdProperty")] / [ForeignKey("NameOfNavigationProperty")]

Allows connecting two properties, an ID property and a navigation property, together in a relationship. The ID property will be saved and updated based on the navigation property. The navigation property won't be mapped to the entity.


Allows connecting an ICollection navigation property to a specific identifier on the related entity. Without this attribute on a collection, the ID property of the related entity will be used.

MongoFramework-specific Attributes

There are additional attributes defined by MongoFramework that allow for more advanced functionality. These include indexing, controlling how "extra elements" are handled as well as entity mutation.

[Index(IndexSortOrder sortOrder)] / [Index(string name, IndexSortOrder sortOrder)]

Optional Parameters: bool IsUnique, int IndexPriority

Allows adding indexes to the collection. Can be defined by just the sort direction however has additional options for more advanced use.

To support compound indexes, define indexes with the same name. To control the order of the indexes in the compound index, use the IndexPriority property (lower values are ordered first).

[IgnoreExtraElements] and [ExtraElements]

These instruct the MongoDB driver to either ignore any extra data in the record that was fetched or to map it to a specific field. For more details, read the documentation on the MongoDB driver


Populates the property with the current date/time on insert. Note: The property must be of type DateTime


Populates the property with the current date/time on update. Note: The property must be of type DateTime

[IncrementNumber(int incrementAmount = 1, bool onUpdateOnly = false)]

Updates the value of a property by the defined increment amount on insert or update.


using MongoFramework;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

public class MyEntity
  public string Id { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public string Address { get; set; }

public class MyContext : MongoDbContext
  public MyContext() : base("MyContext") { }
  public MongoDbSet<MyEntity> MyEntities { get; set; }
  public MongoDbSet<MyOtherEntity> MyOtherEntities { get; set; }

using (var myContext = new MyContext())
  var myEntity = myContext.MyEntities.Where(myEntity => myEntity.Name == "James").FirstOrDefault();
  myEntity.Address = "123 SomeAddress Road, SomeSuburb";


An "Entity Framework"-like interface for the MongoDB C# Driver

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%