Gust4voSales / Gust4voSales

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πŸ‘‹ Hello there, I'm Gustavo Sales, a full stack developer πŸš€ from Brazil.

πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» About Me

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, currently working as a developer at Bounty. I have extensive experience in the entire software development lifecycle. The technologies I specialize in are React, React Native, and Node.js, but I'm always determined to learn new tools. I am proactive, responsible, agile, and communicative.

πŸ–± I have knowledge with techs such as Ruby on Rails, Native Android with Kotlin and Python for data science and machine learning as well.

🌱 My areas of interest are software Engineering, agile software development, clean code and AI

πŸ›  Techs

πŸ’» Personal projects I'm most prowd of

🌟 Most starred projects

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⭐️ From Gust4voSales
