Gumichan01 / tx-translation

Translation (i18n) - Target Xplosion

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Translation data (i18n) - Target Xplosion

This repository contains every translation data of Target Xplosion.



How to use it

You can use the .pot file to generate the .po file.

msginit --no-translator --locale=<language> --input=tx.pot --output=tx_<language>.po

Now you can translate the strings. After that, you must generate the .mo file.

msgfmt --statistics tx_<language>.po -o tx_<language>.mo

Copy the .mo file in the config/ directory of the game.


Internationalization and Localization are supported by Target Xplosion. You don't need to select a language, it is detected by the game. However, I started to create this repository, so people can start to translate the game in several languages.


Translation (i18n) - Target Xplosion