GuilhermeIsNotUnix / GuilhermeIsNotUnix

Config files for my GitHub profile.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hey, I'm Faura, a mad physicist from Brazil who codes for fun!

  • 🐲 I’m currently working on Grifforix, the secure password generator software made in Java with cryptographically RNG methods.

  • 🃏 I’m also the author of Gambit, the shutdown scheduler utility software for Windows made in Go with Fyne GUI toolkit.

  • ❓ Ask me about anything related to Programming, Computer Networks, Security, Physics, Music, Electronics and especially the Go programming language! Those are the things I love.

  • ⚡ Fun fact: Yes, I am the Metal Guitarist (@faurametalhead) and I do use Linux.

My Skill Set


HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript


Java Go C++ C Python


Linux Git Bash Arduino LaTeX

Connect with me

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Config files for my GitHub profile.