Adam R Turner's repositories


iterates through sharepoint lists, items, properties.



Alternate Tables from traditional HTML tables, but behave in the exact way. Utilizes ES6 css grids.



choochoo.js is a timing library that allows for certain functions to be executed within a defined timeframe, and all other queued functions to be ignored. This logic allows for lag-ridden or cpu intensive applications to work as intended by enabling a GUI to keep functioning in JS. Additionally, this logic is effectively a loop and could be used to drive games, especially games that require networking. I'm open to comments, gripes, and wicked cool ideas. The library is available for your use. I only ask that no one take credit for this original work.



Limits the number of characters a user may use in a textarea (or a control derived from textarea like the ASP.NET TextBox) in web development. Supports multiline. Easy to use and implement, now with no need or dependency on jQuery.



Nuget package for SearchKendoTreeview. Search Kendo Treeviews with a text query. The results will be any matching nodes and all of their parent nodes which effectively yields branches that match the query.
