GrigorenkoPV / GoodMorningUserbot

Telegram userbot that greets colleagues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is this?

A small Telegram userbot (a program that acts under the name of an existing regular user account, and not a "Telegram bot" (though nothing stops you from running it under a bot account (aside form maybe message privacy settings))) that replies with a "Good morning" to other "Good morning"s in a chat.


Because the regular & repetitive emergence of "Good morning"s in the work chat screamed "automation" to me. Plus I've wanted to mess around with Telegram's non-bot API for quite a while now.

Setting it up


You will need Python 3.11+.

If you're a Windows user, good luck!

If you're a Linux user, just use your package manager. Unless they ship a Python version that is too old. In that case you can try pyenv or updating/changing your distro.

Alternatively, you can just use Nix or Docker (more on that later).


You package manager is unlikely to ship pyrogram, so unless you want to use Nix or Docker (more on that later), you will have to install those manually.

Just use a venv!

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip wheel
pip install pyrogram tgcrypto

If you're using some other shell than bash, then source the appropriate file from venv/bin/. (On Windows the folder is instead named venv/scripts/ for some reason? I think.)

Nix or Docker

You can skip the previous two steps if you have nix or docker installed.


For docker you will need docker-compose too. Then just

docker-compose up


For nix you will need to enable flake support.

You can do this on per-command basis like this:

nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' run

Or you can enable it persistently:

experimental-features = nix-command flakes

Then just

nix run

There's also a nix devShell (with pre-commit hooks) available,

nix develop


You will need a Telegram "API_ID" and "API_HASH".

Copy the config.example.toml to config.toml. Replace example values with your api_id and api_hash. Set the ids or @usernames (enter them without the @) of chats you want to run the userbot in.

Alternatively, you can pass API_ID & API_HASH as environment variables. They take a higher priority than the ones in the config file.

You can change path to the configuration file by using --config path/to/configuration/file.toml as an argument when launching the thing.

Running it


On the first launch you will need to log in or provide a bot token. After that a GoodMorning.session file will be created in the current directory. This file stores the login info, so you won't need to log in on the next run. You won't have to provide API_HASH and API_ID after that either.

You can change the directory where this file will be stored and searched for: use a PYROGRAM_WORKDIR environment variable or a --pyrogram-workdir command-line argument. (Once again, the environment variable takes a higher priority).


Telegram userbot that greets colleagues

License:MIT No Attribution


Language:Python 57.0%Language:Nix 30.2%Language:Dockerfile 12.8%