GreyNoise-Intelligence / wasm_ipv4_heatmap

WebAssembly module to produce an IPv4 heatmap mapped to a Hilbert Curve

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WebAssembly IPv4 Hilbert Curve

This repo contains proof-of-concept code for a WebAssembly module to produce an IPv4 heatmap mapped to a Hilbert Curve.

IPv4 addresses can be represented as int32 values [0 --> 4294967295] and if you graph their existence linearly, you tend to just get a bunch of streaky horizontal lines.

Using a hilbert Curve groups together IP's into square, block-like groups.


How and Why?

WebAssembly runtimes are available for Rust, C, C++, C#, D, Python, Javascript, Go, PHP, Ruby, Java, Elixir, R, Postgres, Swift, Zig, Dart, Crystal, Lisp, Julia, V, ... and a ton more languages for proprietary microcontrollers.

While there are prior examples of tools to map IPv4 addresses to a Hilbert curve, I wrote this WebAssembly Module during a GreyNoise Hack Week to challenge myself to see how small I could make a functioning and re-usable implementation in WebAssembly.

The result is a ~465 byte module that can readily be re-used in almost any code language.

The module exposes a singular function:

  • insertIP(i32, i32, i32, i32)

This function is called with each octet of an IPv4 address as paramaters

  • --> insertIP(192, 168, 1, 1)

After inserting the needed IPv4 addresses, the exported reference to sharded memory "mem" can be read into your native code language.

mem is 67108864 bytes in size and is a 4096x4096 RGBA Image where each pixel represents a /24 CIDR block.

Intensity of IP's seen in a pixel will shift from Green --> Blue in color.

  • Defined in $decrementMemoryOffset of main.wat


There are Browser/Golang examples available in /examples) which take a list of IPv4 addresses from either ips.json or ips.txt.

NodeJs is recommended for any development changes/recompiling. The required libraries can be installed quickly with npm install.

This repo contains built in helper scripts which can be activated with npm run (...), the most useful of which is watch.

watch will:

  • Monitor main.wat for changes
  • Build out/main.wasm
  • Validate out/main.wasm
  • Run out/main.wasm in helpers/runwasm.js, a handy debugging script which integrates well with VSCode tooling.


A hilbert curve IPv4 heatmap generated with the WebAssembly module from this repo


WebAssembly module to produce an IPv4 heatmap mapped to a Hilbert Curve


Language:WebAssembly 93.0%Language:JavaScript 7.0%