GregRos / OptionalSharp

Optional type for C#

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Optional# implements what's known as an optional type: A type that represents a value that may not exist. You can use it as the return type of a function that may or may not return an int, such as:

Optional<T> TryFirst(Func<T, bool> predicate) 

Or as the parameter type of a function that accepts an optional value of type T:

T FirstOrDefault(Optional<T> @default = default(Optional<T>))

Or as the type of a member that may or may not have a value:

public class Creature
	public Optional<bool> IsEnemy {get;}

Now, it's true that reference types can be null to represent a missing value, and nullable value types are also a thing. But null isn't very good at that job (or any job, really).

Why not null?

If you're not interested in these rationalizations, you can skip ahead.

null is ambiguous

All reference types are nullable, and technically null is a valid value for them. So getting null is totally ambiguous: it may indicate that the value exists and it is null, that the null got in there due to a bug, or that it was used explicitly to indicate a missing value.

Similarly, there is no way to indicate in a function signature that a parameter or return value is optional.

null doesn't work with generics

Say you have a generic method and you want it to return an optional value of type T (that is, the value may or may not exist). You might write it like this:

public T TryGetValue<T>(string key) 
	return null;

That doesn't work though, since regular structs can't have the value null.

So you might write it like this:

public T? TryGetValue<T>(string key) 
	return null;

Nope, doesn't work either. In that case, T has to be a struct because only structs can be Nullable<T>.

If you do have a proper optional type, you can write stuff like this:

public Optional<T> TryGetValue<T>(string key) 
	return Optional.None();

null breaks type safety

null isn't really a proper value for any type (except arguably for nullable value types) because it doesn't support its methods, not even basic ones like GetHashCode. When you write this:

object o = null;

You're going behind the type system's back and calling an object something that just isn't one.

You might as well give up and just use dynamic.

nulls have a tendency to spread

Even if you use null as an optional value, null values have a tendency to spread. Some of the reasons involve the as and ?. operators, which aren't always the best thing:

public string MakeIntoString(object maybeNull) 
	//return maybeNull.ToString();
	//ugh, NullReferenceException! Fix it real quick:
	return maybeNull?.ToString();

The above code doesn't really solve the problem, it just passes it along to the next consumer who'll also have to wonder how a null got there.

null has no type information

null is just null. It's something that really doesn't exist. It doesn't have a type, even though it exists under the illusion of one.

When your program crashes because of a NullReferenceException, you can't tell the type of the missing value at runtime nor can you see any relevant debug information. You just see the word null. Good luck figuring out why it's there and what it's supposed to be. This is especially important if you're working on objects.


An Optional is an instance of the Optional<T> class. It indicates a potentially missing value of type T, which is called the inner type. This potentially missing value is called the Optional's inner value.

An Optional is immutable, and can be constructed in one of two states:

  1. The Some state, also written Some(x). It wraps an inner value, which is the x. If we want to talk about an Optional with a particular inner type T, we can say it's a Some<T>.
  2. The None state, which indicates a missing value. The None state is another instance of Optional<T>, so the missing value is still of a particular type. This is an implementation detail in some ways (all Nones are equal, as we'll discuss later), but it does provide more debug information. When we want to talk about None of a particular inner type, we can say NoneOf<T>.

The Optional<T>.Value property lets us access the inner value of the Optional. If there is no inner value, the operation throws an exception. Almost all other methods work even when called on None Optionals, though.

The Basics of Optional#

The fundamental aspects of the Optional type provided by Optional#.

Optional<T> is a struct

The Optional<T> type is a struct, so it can't be null itself.

Its uninitialized/default state is None. In particular, default(Optional<T>) returns a Optional with the inner type of T, in its None state. This enables all kinds of cool behaviors, like using it as an optional parameter:

public void Example(Optional<int> opt = default(Optional<int>)) 
	if (opt.IsNone) 

This has a few cool consequences:

  1. It supports all of its methods in all states, except those that require an inner value (e.g. the .Value property) `.
  2. Even if it's in its None state, it can hold additional information, such as the inner type and a reason for the lack of a value.


Optionals are immutable objects that cannot be changed once created. This allows them to be safely used as keys in a dictionary or for other purposes. An Optional cannot change its state from Some(x) to None.

The Features of Optional#

Optional# has tons of cool features that should cover almost every use-case involving manipulating optional values by themselves.

Untyped None value

In additional to regular typed Optionals that may indicate a missing value, we use another struct to indicate a missing value where the type of the value is unknown or unspecified. Its purpose is to make syntax more concise in some cases.

This object can be accessed through Optional.None(). It is of the type ImplicitNoneValue, which is normally hidden from the IDE using a collection of attributes (the reason being, you should never need to refer to this type explicitly and seeing it will only confuse users).

This object is implicitly convertible to any Optional<T>, resulting in a valid Optional indicating a missing value. This allows code like this:

Optional<int> x = Optional.None(); //implicit conversion
Optional<string> y = Optional.None();

That's also the main reason for its existence.

An ImplicitNoneValue implements only them main methods available to Optional<T>, but it behaves like a valid Optional when used polymorphically through the interface IAnyOptional. It is also equal to a None value of any type.

It can be seen as the equivalent of IEnumerable as compared to IEnumerable<T>, with the added restriction that it can only be empty.

Like other Optionals, it too has a Reason property. This property is conserved when it is converted to an Optional<T>.

Supports equality, including GetHashCode

This means that it can be used in dictionaries and sets.

Optionals support equality with other Optionals, even if they are of a different type. Two Optionals are equal if their inner values are equal, or if they are both None. Optionals aren't equal to concrete values, even in their Some state.

Equality to all is provided by the .Equals(object) overridden method. However, Optionals implement IEquatable for several types and also provide overloaded == and != operators.

Enhanced debugging and error reporting

Optional# uses all all kinds of features to make debugging as clear and intuitive as possible. Error messages thrown by Optionals are also a lot more informative than NullReferenceExceptions and than most other libraries.

You can abstract over the T

All Optionals implement the IAnyOptional interface, which lets you abstract over all Optionals, whatever their inner type, in a polymorphic manner. This is used by a number of features, such as equality tests.

LINQ-like Transformations

Optionals support many transformations that follow the LINQ naming conventions and API. This makes sense because you can view Optionals as collections with zero or one elements, and many LINQ operations make sense on them.

Some of these are also similar to conditional operators such as ?? and ?., but safer.

Examples include:

  1. o.Select(x => x + 5), which transform the inner value or returns None.
  2. o.Where(x => x % 2), which filters the inner value.
  3. o.OfType<T>(), which makes the sure the inner value is of some type T and returns an Optional with that inner type.
  4. o.Or(5), returns the inner value or another default value.

These methods also allow you to use syntax like this:

var x = from v in Optional.Some(5)
		where v % 2 == 0
		select 2 * v;

Doing so isn't recommended though.

Conversion Operators

Optionals support explicit conversion to their inner type T (that can throw an exception) and implicit conversion from an inner type.

Conversion Methods

Furthermore, Optional# provides a variety of conversion methods that allow converting to and from other objects, such as reference types and nullable value types.

User-customizableReason property

Sometimes, it's important (from debugging purposes) to know why a value does not exist. Valid reasons for an Optional having no inner value include:

  1. Conversion from a null value.
  2. A search in a collection produces no elements.
  3. Parsing of a value as a particular type T failed.

Optionals can carry additional information to describe these and other situations through their Reason property. This is a nullable property that contains additional information (the reason it's not Optional is that this would create a circular dependency that's hard to get around). Transformations on Optionals intelligently preserve the reason and many methods that result in Optionals accept an optional reason parameter. The reason can then be propagated to debugging or error handling code that can log it.

It's also possible to explicitly set the Reason through the WithReason method that returns a new Optional with a different Reason.

The Reason information is supplied when a MissingOptionalValueException is thrown.

Warning: This property is included to make debugging easier. Don't use it to store important information (i.e. information that can change what your code does).

The Reason property is ignored when testing for equality and in many other situations.


Optional# comes with a companion assembly that helps integrate it into the .NET Framework. This library offers a number of cool features that aren't necessarily for manipulating Optionals directly. Instead, they are features simply best implemented using an Optional type.

Conditional Access

Optional#.More offers a number of conditional access extension methods that try to get an element using a predicate, index, or key. If such an element exists, it's wrapped in Some and returned. If no such element exists, None is returned.

Examples include:

  1. TryFirst
  2. TryPick
  3. TryKey
  4. TryElementAt

Extra LINQ methods

This library also provides a number of LINQ methods that are best expressed using Optionals.

Example: The Choose method is a blend of Where and Select. It applies a function on every element in a collection, returning either Some(x) or None. Then it returns the inner values in a (possibly empty) sequence.

Also: Provides methods such as FlattenSequence that work on a sequence of Optionals or an Optional of a sequence that flattens it into a sequence of values (possibly an empty one).


This library also includes static methods for parsing different data types, such as long or even DateTime.

These are included in the TryParse static class, containing pretty much every rendition of a T.TryParse method that appears in the .NET Framework, returning an Optional<T> instead of something involving an out parameter.

Examples include:

  1. TryParse.Int32("12")
  2. TryParse.Char('a')
  3. And even, TryParse.Enum<TEnum>


Await on Optional<Task<T>>

*Requires C# 7 * Includes extension methods for objects of type Optional<Task<T>> that allow you to write syntax like this:

Optional<Task<T>> task = Optional.NoneOf<Task<T>>();
Optional<T> result = await task;

This has the effect of returning None<T> when task is None immediately (i.e. synchronously) or, if a task is present, running the task and returning the value.


Optional type for C#

License:MIT License


Language:C# 97.2%Language:Batchfile 2.8%