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The smart contracts of Green Lemon Protocol for Polkadot

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Green Lemon Protocol


The Green Lemon Protocol is an anonymous NFT platform based on zero-knowledge proof and dual-key stealth address protocol. Anyone can deploy their own anonymous NFT smart contract and integrate it with our relayer service. Or use our template contract as well.

Quick facts:

  • Send anonymous transactions based on zero-knowledge proof
  • Encrypt the asset owner based on dual-key stealth address protocol

This project is funded by the Web3 Foundation Grants Program.

Product Logic

Green Lemon Protocol is a service like coin mixers that allows users to obfuscate the origin and destination of transactions, and submit transactions to third contracts anonymously. Because of the logic of the blockchain, every transaction is public. If you have some DOT on your account, you cannot transfer it anonymously, because anybody can follow your transaction history on the blockchain. Coin mixers, like Tornado Cash, can solve this privacy problem by breaking the on-chain link between the source and the destination address by using ZKP. Most importantly, we can trigger the functions of NFT smart contract when we submit the zero-knowledge proof, and pay transaction fees to the relayer service. If the transaction fees you paid can cover the cost of calling a third-party contract. Then the whole logic makes sense.

If you want to anonymize one of your transactions, you have to deposit a small amount of DOT on the Green Lemon Protocol contract (ex.: 1 DOT). After a little while, you can transfer this 1 DOT to the account of relayer service with a different account and submit a transaction to the third contract. The trick is that nobody can create a link between the depositor account and the transferer account. If hundreds of accounts deposit 1 DOT on one side and the other hundreds of accounts transfer 1 DOT on the other side, then nobody will be able to follow the path where the transaction moves.

One of the technical challenges is that smart contract transactions are also public like any other transaction on the Polkadot network. This is the point where zero-knowledge proof will be relevant. For more details about zero-knowledge proof, please click me.

Another technical challenge is how to encrypt asset owners. This is the point where dual-key stealth address protocol will be relevant. For more details about DKSAP, please click me.

Work flow


The relayer contract contains 4 core functions: Deposit, RegisterPublicKeys, Withdrawal, and Execute.

  • Deposit: The user deposit a coin to the NFT anonymous contract and get a note, which is used to pay the relayer fees for anonymous transactions.
  • RegisterPublicKeys: The user registers the Scan public key and Spend public key to the NFT contract, so other users can query it on-chain.
  • Withdrawal: The user takes back the coin previously deposited, and nullifies the corresponding note.
  • Execute: The user calls the NFT contract's function through the relayer contract.

Both Withdrawal and Execute require the user generate a zero-knowledge proof. The Withdrawal will send the coin back to the user. The Execute will transfer coin to the relayer as transaction fees.

At present, it is relatively slow to verify zero-knowledge proof on-chain. We are planning to integrate APIs related to zero-knowledge proof into the substrate, to improve the execution speed of the transaction.


If you are a new talent for Polkadot blockchain or Node.js, please install the DEV environment first.

  • Download from release page. The substrate-greenlemon-node is a new version of the substrate after increased MAXIMUM_BLOCK_WEIGHT. The default value of MAXIMUM_BLOCK_WEIGHT is too low to verify zero-knowledge proof on-chain.
  • Install Node.js environment
  • Install Zokrates
  • Install cargo-contract, because we need to add nightly builds to Rust runtime env & install binaryen in a version >= 99.
  • Install test dependencies. npm i -d

Contract build & test

Contract relayer & Contract verifier

cd contracts
sh ./
sh ./

Test contract on-chain

Deploy contract to local node

1. Start the local substrate node

Please extracting the file first, and then execute

./substrate-greenlemon-node --dev

2. Deploy compiled contract erc721 and verifier and relayer to local node by Polkadot Portal.

contract erc721 deployment constructor param:


contract relayer deployment constructor param:



Note: Please increase the max gas allowed to 50000000 when trying to call a contract action by Polkadot Portal.

3. Update contract address

  • Copy RELAYER contract address from Polkadot Portal after contract deployed, open http/config/default.json, and update RelayerContractAddress
  • Copy ERC721 contract address from Polkadot Portal after contract deployed, open http/config/default.json, and update NFTContractAddress

4. Deposit coin and commitment

  • Copy the commitmentHex string from proofs/proof-1.json, and enter it into the contract call with a value of 1 (1 Unit DOT)
  • Increase max gas allowed to 50000000

5. Start HTTP service

node http/index.js

6. Register public key for Alice

node client/0-generateKeyPair.js
node client/1-registerScanKey.js

Enter in "Alice" as an alias string into the contract call, and check the public key is registered.

7. Mint NFT Annoymously

node client/2-mintToAlice.js


With ZKP, you can prove that you know something without revealing the thing that you know. For generating a ZKP, you need a circuit. A circuit is something like a small program that has public inputs and outputs, and private inputs. These private inputs are the knowledge that you don’t reveal for the verification, this is why it is called zero-knowledge proof. With ZKP, we can prove that the output can be generated from the inputs with the given circuit.

run to re-compile the circuits and setup step to generate proving.key and verification.key

Please ensure zokrates is added into $PATH before execute follow commands. export PATH=$PATH:/Users/$USER/.zokrates/bin

sh ./circuits/

Generate commitment and proof manually

As mentioned above, When you deposit 1 DOT on the Green Lemon contract, you have to provide a commitment hash. This commitment hash will be stored in a Merkle tree. When you execute third contract action, you have to provide 2 zero-knowledge proofs. The first proves that the Merkel tree contains your commitment. This proof is a zero-knowledge proof of a Merkle proof. But this is not enough, because you should be allowed to spend this 1 DOT only once. Because of this, you have to provide a nullifier that is unique for the commitment. The contract stores this nullifier, this ensures that you don’t be able to spend the deposited money more than one time.

Each transaction consumes one commitment. We provide five in the proof folder. If you need more, please execute the following script.

0. Generate commitment

node scripts/0-generateCommitment.js

1. Compute witness

node scripts/1-compute-witness.js

2. Generate zero knowledge proof

node scripts/2-generate-proof.js

3. Verify zero knowledge proof off-chain

node scripts/3-verify-proof-offchain.js

Copy commitmentHex to deposit DOT, and copy proof to execute third smart contract action.

Medium articles:

Demo Video


The smart contracts of Green Lemon Protocol for Polkadot

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 69.1%Language:JavaScript 30.1%Language:Shell 0.8%