Gravi80 / helm_consul

Playground for exploring Helm and Consul

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Helm & Consul

Playground for exploring Helm and Consul

K8s cluster setup

if [ ! -d "$HOME/kind-config" ]; then
  mkdir $HOME/kind-config
if [ ! -f "$HOME/kind-config/config" ]; then
  touch $HOME/kind-config/config
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/kind-config/config"
kubectl config view
kind create cluster --config cluster-config.yaml --name heml-consul
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/kind-config/config"
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl cluster-info --context kind-heml-consul
kubectl config use-context kind-heml-consul


Helm defines a packaging format called charts. Charts are the things (packages) that we create, distribute, and consume.

Installing Helm

brew install helm
helm version --short

Enable auto-completion

# bash
## in .bashrc
source <(helm completion bash)

# zsh
## in .zshrc
if [ $commands[helm] ]; then
  source <(helm completion zsh)
  • helm search : Search for charts in Helm Hub and Helm Repositories
  • helm install : Install charts into Kubernetes
  • helm list : List all releases of a given Kubernetes Namespace
  • helm show : Show information about a chart
  • helm upgrade : Upgrade a release to a new version of the underlying chart
  • helm pull : Download and extract a chart from Helm hub or a Helm repository
  • helm repo : Add, update, index, list, or remove chart repositories
  • helm package : Create an tgz archive for the chart in the current folder

chart repository

A chart repository is an HTTP server that houses packaged charts and an index.yaml file. A chart repository can be any HTTP server that can serve YAML and .tar files and can answer GET requests. Therefore, You can use a Google Cloud Storage bucket, an Amazon S3 bucket, GitHub pages, or you can create a web server for hosting your chart.

helm repo list
helm search hub jenkins
helm repo add stable
helm repo list


Installing Consul

helm repo add hashicorp
helm search repo hashicorp/consul
helm install -f consul/helm-consul-values.yaml hashicorp hashicorp/consul
kubectl get pods
kubectl port-forward hashicorp-consul-server-0 8500:8500


Playground for exploring Helm and Consul