GraphScope / GART

GART: Graph Analysis on Relational Transactional Datasets

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GART: Graph Analysis on Relational Transactional Datasets

GART is an in-memory system extended from HTAP systems for hybrid transactional and graph analytical processing (HTGAP).

Table of Contents

What is GART

Hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP) is a new trend that processes OLTP and online analytical processing (OLAP) in the same system simultaneously. Analogously, we term dynamic graph analysis processing workloads on transactional datasets as hybrid transactional/graph-analytical processing (HTGAP). GART reuses transaction logs to replay graph data online for freshness instead of offline data migration for freshness and performance.

GART captures the data changes in different (relational) data sources (e.g., database systems, streaming systems) and converts them to graph data according to user-defined rules.

In detail, the workflow of GART can be broken into the following steps:

  • 1. Preprocess (Capture & Parser): GART captures data changes from data sources by logs (e.g., Binlogs in SQL systems). Then, it parsers these logs into a recognized format, called as TxnLog. Currently, we use Debezium (for MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...) or Maxwell (only for MySQL) as the log capture.

    The sample format of TxnLog is as follows (Debezium style, only necessary information):

      "before": null,
      "after": {
          "org_id": "0",
          "org_type": "company",
          "org_name": "Kam_Air",
          "org_url": ""
      "source": {
          "ts_ms": 1689159703811,
          "db": "ldbc",
          "table": "organisation"
      "op": "c"

    This sample records the log that inserts a tuple of organisation.

  • 2. Model Convert (RGMapping Converter): This step is an important step for GART. The conversion between different data models for HTGAP workloads requires more semantic information. For example, it needs the mapping between relational tables and vertex/edge types, and the mapping between relational attributes and vertex/edge properties. The GART administrator (such as DBA) can define the rules of relation-graph mapping (RGMapping) once by the interfaces provided by GART. GART will convert relational data changes into graph data changes in the unified logs (UnifiedLog) automatically.

  • 3. Graph Store (Dynamic GStore): GART applies the graph data changes on the graph store. The graph store is dynamic, which means the writes from GART and the reads from the graph analysis processing can be executed on the store concurrently.


GART should fulfill two unique goals not encountered by HTAP systems.

Transparent Data Model Conversion

To adapt to rich workloads flexibility, GART proposes transparent data model conversion by graph extraction interfaces, which define rules of relational-graph mapping.

We provide a sample definition file called rgmapping-ldbc.yaml.

[TBD: format fo RGMapping]

Efficient Dynamic Graph Storage

To ensure the performance of graph analytical processing (GAP), GART proposes an efficient dynamic graph storage with good locality that stems from key insights into HTGAP workloads, including:

  1. an efficient and mutable compressed sparse row (CSR) representation to guarantee the locality of scanning edges;
  2. a coarse-grained MVCC to reduce the temporal and spatial overhead of versioning;
  3. a flexible property storage to efficiently run various GAP workloads.




git clone gart
cd gart

mkdir -p build; cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j
sudo make install

The dependencies can be installed by scripts/ in a proper directory.

cd /path/to/deps
. path/to/gart/scripts/

To build GART by Docker, we provide a Dockerfile:

docker image rm gart; docker build -t gart .
docker run -it --name gart0 gart

Getting Started

Configure Data Source

Before running GART, we need to configure the data source to capture its logs. Currently, we have supported MySQL and PostgreSQL as the relational data source.


  • MySQL configuration file /etc/mysql/my.cnf:

    # Prefix of the binlogs
    # Binlog Format: row-based logging, maxwell needs binlog_format=row
    # The databases captured. GART will capture all databases if not specified.
    binlog-do-db=ldbc  # change the name to your database
    binlog-do-db=...   # change the name to your database
  • Create a MySQL user for the log capture (Maxwell or Debezium):

    # Create a user call "maxwell" with password "123456"
    # The host name part of the account name, if omitted, defaults to '%'.
    CREATE USER 'maxwell'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
    # Grant necesarry privileges
    # PrivilegesRELOAD and SHOW DATABASES are only used for Debezium
    # Grant privileges on the database "maxwell", only used for Maxwell
    GRANT ALL ON maxwell.* TO 'maxwell'@'localhost';


  • The PostgreSQL configuration file is in the directory /etc/postgresql/<postgresql_version>/main/

  • Modify the configuration file postgresql.conf to enable WAL as follows:

    wal_level = logical
    max_replication_slots = <larger than 0>
    max_wal_senders = <larger than 0>
  • Create a PostgreSQL user (dbuser) for the log capture Debezium:

    CREATE USER dbuser WITH PASSWORD '123456';
    ALTER USER dbuser LOGIN;
    GRANT pg_read_server_files TO dbuser;       -- For loading CSV files
    GRANT ALL ON DATABASE ldbc TO dbuser;
  • Modify the configuration file /etc/postgresql/$PSQL_VERSION/main/pg_hba.conf to trust the user dbuser

    local   replication     dbuser                          trust
    host    replication     dbuser            trust
    host    replication     dbuser  ::1/128                 trust
  • Finally, we restart PostgreSQL

    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

User-defined Data Source

Please refer to Usage of GART Storage.

Configure Capture

Configure Kafka ($KAFKA_HOME/config/ as follows:


If we use Debezium as the log capture, we also need to set up a configuration of Debezium. Please replace the fields in the configuration file ($KAFKA_HOME/config/connect-debezium-{mysql,postgresql}.properties) that have sharp brackets (<>) with the actual contents (e.g., database.user, database.password).


You can launch GART by the gart script under the build directory, like:

export KAFKA_HOME=/path/to/kafka
export MAXWELL_HOME=/path/to/maxwell # if you use Maxwell as log capturer
./gart --user maxwell --password 123456

The arguments of --user and --password is the user name and the password in the database for Maxwell.

The full usage of gart can be shown as:

./gart --help

You can stop GART by:


Mirco Demo: Graph Analysis on Data from MySQL

  • Topology of the demo demo-topo

  • Download test datasets (use ldbc_sample)

    git clone
  • Initialize database schema in MySQL (need a user with necessary privileges)

    pip3 install pymysql cryptography
    cd gart
    ./apps/rdbms/ --user [username] --password [password] --db ldbc

    If you have no such user, you can create the user (called test) before running like:

    CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY '123456';

    MySQL and its dependencies can be installed by scripts/

  • Lanch GART

    export KAFKA_HOME=/path/to/kafka
    cd build
    ./gart --user maxwell --password 123456 --db-name ldbc --v6d-sock /tmp/ldbc.sock --etcd-endpoint
  • Start transactional data insertion

    ./apps/rdbms/ --user [username] --password [password] --db ldbc --data_dir /path/to/gstest/ldbc_sample
  • Start graph analysis

    cd /path_to_gart/apps/analytical_engine/
    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j
    .run_gart_app --etcd_endpoint


GART is released under Apache License 2.0. Please note that third-party libraries may not have the same license as GART.


[USENIX ATC' 23] Bridging the Gap between Relational OLTP and Graph-based OLAP. Sijie Shen, Zihang Yao, Lin Shi, Lei Wang, Longbin Lai, Qian Tao, Li Su, Rong Chen, Wenyuan Yu, Haibo Chen, Binyu Zang, Jingren Zhou. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, Boston, MA, USA, July 2023.


GART: Graph Analysis on Relational Transactional Datasets

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 80.7%Language:Python 7.6%Language:CMake 4.1%Language:Shell 2.4%Language:C 2.2%Language:Rust 1.4%Language:Java 1.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:Smarty 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%