Goya- / nd1309-p5

Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Project5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

install and run

  1. cd smart_contracts
  2. npm i
  3. ganache-cli run localhost develpment environment
  4. truffle test run code test
  5. truffle compiler get abi
  6. truffle deploy --network rinkeby -f 2 --reset deploy smartcontracts to Rinkeby
  7. truffle deploy --network develpment -f 2 --reset deploy smartcontracts to local
  8. cogy abi in SatarNotary.json and SatarNotary in console, replace code in index.html
  9. open index.html using node index.html,url is

smart contract on a public test network (Rinkeby)

  1. Transaction ID(createStar()): 0x5ad3edfb721d73dffac7eb92ac06dff2cfda9976decca827e6fa32d0ae9761b3
  2. Transaction ID(putStarUpForSale()): 0x6120de457ebe3790be5a51fa5eb972d79a4d9b94fb42b0832dc98f2f3b912252
  3. Contract address: 0x65c970e9c2e984d581980d421ee56333448e17dc


Udacity Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Project5


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