Gordi / ega-cluster-cryptor

parallelise encryption of EGA submissions onto a cluster - a partial EgaCryptor replacement

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cluster-based EGA Cryptor

This collection of shell scripts implements a part of EGA's EgaCryptor Toolsuite, namely, the encryption and upload part. It does this in the form of (mostly) portable shell scripts that can run in cluster setups, allowing one to parallelize encryption of larger submissions.

Input welcome! Questions Welcome!

These scripts are shared to make everyone's life easier when submitting to EGA. They started out as small internal tools at the Omics IT & Datamanagement Core Facility at the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), a publicly funded body. They are made openly available under the MIT license under the philosophy of "public money, public code".

Asking questions is a way to make this project better. If something is unclear, please help us make the documentation better, by asking a question in the Issue Tracker


This implementation divides the encryption process into three logical steps:

  1. setup / preparation
  2. encryption
  3. upload

Each step has different requirements on environment, CPU-load and internet accessibility, so they are divided into three separate scripts to execute.

setup: 0-generate-links.sh

This script will generate a working structure in the current directory. It creates symlinks and a todo list.

As input it requires a two-column, tab-separated CSV file as input, the "mapping file". The mapping file allows you to rename all files to something that is suited for publication, e.g. hiding sensitive names/identifiers, or using a publication-specific numbering scheme.

# map-file.txt
# comments work, and are ignored for encryption

# empty lines are no problem either!

# a fastq file to encrypt
/absolute/path/to/file/to/encrypt.fastq name-that-will-be-public-on-EGA.fastq

# bam files too:
/more/files/fileA.bam   public-name-for-fileA.bam
/more/files/MaxMusterman_Tumor.bam   public-name-FileB.bam
/home/myStuff/EvaXample_germline.bam    public-name-FileC.bam

Call it as follows:

cd /path/to/work-dir
path/to/0-generate-links.sh your-mapping-file.csv

a local files subdirectory will be created with the generated symlink structure, as well as a to-encrypt_<DATE>.txt file as input for the next steps.

encryption: 1-submit-encryption-jobs.sh

This script submits the actual encryption jobs to the cluster. It supports both PBS/Torque clusters, as well as LSF clusters (though the switch is currently hardcoded in the script, edit to your needs).

Encryption is GPG-based, using EGA's public key. The submission script will check if GPG and this key are available. For convenience purposes, a copy of EGA's key (as of 2020-03-12) is included: submission_2020_public.gpg.asc. The paranoid will of course verify that this key matches that published by EGA itself.

call it as follows:

cd /path/to/work-dir
path/to/1-submit-encryption-jobs.sh [to-encrypt_<DATE>.txt]

if no to-encrypt filelist is explicitly provided, it will try to find the most recently modified to-encrypt* and use that instead. Basic attempts to not restart already-running jobs are made (looking for partial or finished results in the files working directory), but please try not to rely on this too much. If the check overlooks something, corrupted output will be produced (two concurrent jobs writing to the same result file).

Walltime requests are tuned to each individual filesize to be encrypted, assuming a very conservative encryption speed. The BYTES_PER_MINUTE value probably needs tuning for each individual cluster

Output is written to the files working directory, and consists of the encrypted file (filename.gpg), and md5 checksums for both encrypted and unencrypted versions of said file (filename.md5 and filename.gpg.md5). This trio is suitable for upload directly to EGA's submission inbox via Aspera or FTP.

Job management

Jobs are all named 'egacrypt-{something}' for easy identification.

On the LSF system, they're also submitted into a single jobgroup (/$USER/egacrypt), for batch-management, e.g.

  • bjobs -g /$USER/egacrypt to inspect
  • bkill -g /$USER/egacrypt 0 to kill all ega-cluster-cryptor jobs.

upload: 2-aspera-upload.sh

This script will upload the encrypted results of a filelist to EGA's submission inbox. It requires Aspera's ascp to be installed and in path, and takes its login details from environment variables. (see aspera-env.conf.template).

depending on internet weather and your local outgoing connection, you probably want to impose an upload speed limit by setting environment variable $SPEED_LIMIT. EGA recommends a maximum of 300M (Mbit/second), our battle-tested default is SPEED_LIMIT=100M. In our (limited) personal experience, "bursty" or "stuttering" upload behaviour can usually be solved by setting a lower speed limit. Uploads that stutter and stall at 101M can be rock-solid at 100M if certain firewalls are present along the path.

call it as follows:

cd /path/to/work-dir
source your-egalogin-aspera.conf
SPEED_LIMIT=99M path/to/2-aspera-upload.sh to-encrypt_<DATE>.txt

If no filelist is specified, it will automatically try to use the most-recently modified to-encrypt*.

Since upload can easily take multiple days, we recommend doing this in nohup, screen or tmux sessions.


parallelise encryption of EGA submissions onto a cluster - a partial EgaCryptor replacement

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%