GoldbergAdam / MTG-GNT-EDA

EDA, based on MTG Game Night product from 2018

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


EDA, based on MTG Game Night product from 2018

Introduction: For this project, we took a specific card deck from the game Magic The Gathering. It's a collectible card game published by the company "Wizards of The Coast", a Hasbro subsidiary. The game represents a fight between two powerful mages called planeswalkers, who have the capacity to summon any land, creature or item from a magical dimension of their desire. This is represented by the cards they pull from their decks. The objective is to reduce the opponent's life points to 0. Players take turns, during which they have to decide which cards to pull and cast spells with a magical resource called "mana". We have chosen the red Game Night deck "Unleash Chaos”. This is a deck that was sold in a set of 5 (1 of each color*), primarily for beginners, and with each of them containing 60 cards. Among these are 23 unique card names, most of which are "red". The color of these cards affects their mana type, which in turn can be used by the player to cast spells that require it. We will analyze the card deck. We want to know how many and what cards are in it, the values of their different stats, what their types are, and so on. The objective is to get a rough idea of the power level of the deck so that an experienced player can recommend it as a purchase to a new MTG player. *The 5 colors in Magic are white, blue, black, red, and green.

In conclusion: The deck is mostly comprised of lands and creature cards. It also has a not insignificant amount of sorcery and instant typed cards. The power level of the sorceries proved too difficult to handle at face level, so we focused on the card type Creature, whose numerical values could more appropriately give a tangible representation of the deck’s power level. This project can be used on any other deck, as long as it is in an similarly formatted CSV file with the same column names. In and of itself, it is a primary example of a good starting point for someone new to MTG.

As for DataCamp: We both had only minimal professional experience working with SQL, python, or pandas (and other python libraries) before starting to learn with DataCamp. It has taught us how to write scripts, do basic data analysis, prompt engineer, work with SQL and write our own database objects such as lists and dictionaries.


EDA, based on MTG Game Night product from 2018