GokuGhoul / keil-ARM

CAO Lab work

Repository from Github https://github.comGokuGhoul/keil-ARMRepository from Github https://github.comGokuGhoul/keil-ARM


  1. Write a program in ARM assembly language to add and subtract two 32-bit numbers using: i) Direct addressing mode=2 ii) Indirect addressing mode=2 iii) Barrel shifter=4
  2. Write a program to perform left and right shift of a number.=4
  3. Write a program to find whether number is even or odd.=1
  4. Write a program to perform Multiplication using addition.=1
  5. Write a program to store Multiplication table of a number.=1
  6. Write a program to perform Division using subtraction.=1
  7. Write a program to find the factorial of a number.
  8. Write a program in ARM assembly language to find 1’s and 2’s compliment.
  9. Write a program in ARM assembly language to find greater of two numbers
  10. Write a program to perform 64-bit addition of two 64-bit number.
  11. Write a program to find the largest and smallest number in an array.
  12. Write a program to find the sorting in an array.
  13. Write a program to copy an array.
  14. Write a program to count the number of characters in a given string.
  15. Write a program to find the number of occurrence of a particular character in a string.
  16. Write a program to add two integer strings
  17. Write a program in ARM assembly language to implement the following equation: i) ax2+by2 ii) 6(x+y) +2z+4
  18. Write a program in ARM assembly language to verify how many bytes are present in a given set which resemble 0xAC.
  19. Write a program in ARM assembly language to count the number of 1s and 0s in a given byte and verify the result.
  20. Write a program in ARM assembly language for transferring of block of data (e.g. block transfer of 10 numbers from one memory location to another e.g. 0x00000030 to 0x00000300.)


CAO Lab work


Language:Assembly 100.0%