GoktugOcal / SHA256-hash-API

a web service for SHA256 hash digest

Repository from Github https://github.comGoktugOcal/SHA256-hash-APIRepository from Github https://github.comGoktugOcal/SHA256-hash-API


A web service for SHA256 hash digest

info Developed by Göktuğ Öcal


The app is created with Flask and runs on Render.com publicly. The url of the REST API is https://sha256-api.onrender.com . There are two functions in the API. One is POST for sending a text to convert to SHA256 hash format and other is GET for gathering hash format to string format if the string format is stored beforehand.


$ python request.py -r POST -m <string>
$ python request.py -r POST -m goktugocal


$ python request.py -r GET -m <hash_string>
$ python request.py -r GET -m e683c3e863b1718963a6.....

Additional Questions

How can you scale your implementation?

If we think this REST API will face with huge traffic a distributed system with a single or multiple load balancers could be useful for balancing all the requests to multiple servers.

How did you deploy this application?

I have used a free-to-use service which is Render.com for that deployment. I have uploaded my FLASK service with some requirements to the github and connected it to render.com. Then started the Flask service with gunicorn on the cloud.

How can you improve this process and make it easy to maintain?

I can use a serverless cloud service for deployment and use storage services to store string-hash pairs.


a web service for SHA256 hash digest


Language:Python 100.0%