GodotNuts / appwrite-sdk

A lightweight addon which integrates Appwrite APIs for Godot Engine out of the box.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Godot Engine - Appwrite SDK (client+server)

A lightweight addon which integrates Appwrite APIs for Godot Engine out of the box.


  • Account (client/server)
  • Users (server)
  • Teams (client/server)
  • Database (client/server)
  • Storage (client/server)
  • Functions (client/server)
  • Localization (client/server)
  • Avatars (client/server)
  • Health (server)
  • Realtime (client)


A lightweight addon which integrates Appwrite APIs for Godot Engine out of the box.

License:MIT License


Language:GDScript 100.0%