GlitchEnzo / NuGetForUnity

A NuGet Package Manager for Unity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SemVer 2 versions format

Sl4vP0weR opened this issue · comments


[Describe the issue you have. If applicable provide logs produced by enabeling verbose logging in the NuGetForUnity settings.]

I guess SemVer 2.0.0 version format is not supported.

Compare Error: 1.13.2+0596138b111ff552137684c6f7c3373805d2e3d2 1.13.2+0596138b111ff552137684c6f7c3373805d2e3d2
UnityEngine.Debug:LogErrorFormat (string,object[])
NugetForUnity.NugetPackageIdentifier:CompareVersions (string,string)
NugetForUnity.NugetPackageIdentifier:CompareVersion (string)
NugetForUnity.NugetPackageIdentifier:CompareTo (NugetForUnity.NugetPackageIdentifier)
NugetForUnity.NugetHelper:CheckForUnnecessaryPackages ()
NugetForUnity.NugetHelper:Restore ()
NugetForUnity.OnLoadNuGetPackageRestorer:.cctor ()
UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies:ProcessInitializeOnLoadAttributes (System.Type[])
  • NuGet Package: [What is the name and version of the NuGet package you are installing?]

  • NuGetForUnity Version: [What version of NuGetForUnity are you running?]
    Latest at this moment - 3.1.3

  • Unity Version: [What version of Unity are you using?]

  • Operating System: [What OS are you on?]
    Windows 10 Pro x64


How did you manage to find that package? It doesn't seem to show up when I search for it...

Added to the packages.

  <package id="PolySharp" version="1.13.2" />

With the fix #543 it's now possible to just install it using the UI