GlitchEnzo / NuGetForUnity

A NuGet Package Manager for Unity

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Installing unlisted packages

KingTempest07 opened this issue · comments


I recently made a package for Nuget and I'm trying to test it on Unity. Because of that, I have it set to be unlisted so that nobody is going to waste their time on it if it doesn't work. Looking through the readme and issues, I couldn't find any way of installing unlisted packages (or at least nothing appeared to be related in any way).

So essentially, is there a built-in way to do this, or maybe even some way of installing via console?

  • NuGet Package: TempestStatSystem v1.0.1-pre-alpha
  • NuGetForUnity Version: v3.1.3
  • Unity Version: 2021.3.5f1
  • Operating System: Windows 10

NuGetForUnity just uses the NuGet v2 API to find and download packages. So it basically calls$filter=IsLatestVersion&$orderby=Id&$skip=0&$top=30&searchTerm=%27newtonsoft%27 it seems that there is no support for unlisted packages in API v2
See NuGet/Home#5896. I am working on supporting API v3 but it will take a bit. But for simple testing you package you can use a local package source. Just place the NuGet package, the .nupkg, in a folder and add it as a local package source.

Sorry for not responding. I couldn't get the local packages to work, but temporarily listing and unlisting again seems to work fine for now, although it is a little annoying sometimes.