Glench / Full-stack-Svelte

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Full-stack Svelte

A little framework on top of SvelteKit that's great if you're running a node server and want tight integration between server and client code.

This framework makes it so you can do this in your route/**.svelte files:

<!-- anything in an endpoint script tag runs on the server and isn't included in client-side code -->
<script context="module" endpoint>
  export async function get(request) {
    return {
      body: {
        name: 'Glen'

<!-- everything else runs on the client -->
<div>Hello {$}</div>

Full-stack Svelte will generate all the endpoints for you in /generated_endpoints. $b is a store that contains the body returned from the server so you don't have to write a bunch of export statements in your component — the endpoint code is the single source of truth.

I like this scheme because it removes the SvelteKit load boilerplate by assuming that I want all my data to come from the server endpoint always. It establishes an endpoint for every route automatically and tightly couples the server code and client code. In the app I develop there is basically no time I want a route without an associated endpoint and want the coordination between the page and endpoints to be as seamless as possible.

Full-stack Svelte also lets me make this cool form component:

    <input name="name" bind:value="{$}" />
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"> 

Form features:

  • Forms will be submitted with fetch automatically.
  • Forms will still work if the user has JavaScript disabled.
  • Form inputs are disabled automatically while waiting for a server response. No double submitting.
  • Server errors and network errors are automatically handled by default.
  • Exposes submitting and serverError so users of the component can have custom UI when those states happen.
  • Exposes a submit function that allows custom code to run before and after the server response.


License:MIT License