Girgetto / helm-commands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Helpful Helm Commands

This document lists some of the most commonly used Helm commands along with a brief description of their purpose.

Chart Management

  • helm create <chart-name>: Create a new Helm chart with the specified name.
    Creates a new chart scaffold.

  • helm package <chart-path>: Package a chart directory into a chart archive.
    Useful for distribution or versioning.

  • helm lint <chart-path>: Examine a chart for possible issues.
    Helps ensure chart quality.

  • helm repo add <repo-name> <repo-url>: Add a Helm chart repository.
    Expands your chart sources.

Installing and Managing Releases

  • helm install <release-name> <chart-name>: Install a chart as a new release in the cluster.
    Deploys your application.

  • helm upgrade <release-name> <chart-name>: Upgrade a release with a new version of a chart and/or values.
    Applies updates to your deployment.

  • helm rollback <release-name> <revision>: Roll back a release to a previous revision.
    Useful for reverting to a stable state.

  • helm uninstall <release-name>: Remove a release from the cluster.
    Cleans up resources.

Querying Information

  • helm list: List all deployed releases in the cluster.
    Gives an overview of what's running.

  • helm status <release-name>: Display the status of the specified release.
    Shows detailed information about a release.

  • helm history <release-name>: Fetch the release history.
    Useful for audit or rollback.

  • helm get all <release-name>: Download all information for a named release.
    Comprehensive details for debugging or inspection.

Values and Configuration

  • helm show values <chart-name>: Display the configurable values of a chart.
    Helps with customizing your deployment.

  • helm upgrade <release-name> <chart-name> --set key=value: Upgrade a release, overriding a value.
    Quickly applies configuration changes.


  • helm version: Display the version of Helm.
    Verifies your Helm installation.

  • helm search repo <keyword>: Search for charts in the repositories.
    Finds charts for your needs.

  • helm repo update: Update information of available charts locally from chart repositories.
    Ensures you have the latest chart versions.

This guide offers a starting point for managing Kubernetes applications with Helm. For more detailed information, refer to the official Helm documentation.
