Giray18 / airflow_snowflake_etl_task_gaming

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data_engineering activites by AIRFLOW and Snowflake

This Repo contains activities related to ETL, data warehouse creation and advanced analytics by Airflow Dags (SQL and Python used as script)


There are table definitions which has structure of source tables without any data sample only DDL sql script is available and can be found at files with name 'test_tables 1.sql'. Tables belongs to gaming domain on app user and game activities

  • IN_APP_PURCHASE_LOG_SERVER (Covers user item purchasing data)
  • MULTIPLAYER_BATTLE_STARTED (Covers multiplayer battle related data)
  • LOGIN (Covers user login data to app)
  • NEW_USER (Covers new users user data)
  • SESSION_STARTED (Covers session data when user created session)
  • SHIP_TRANSACTION_LOG (Covers in game ship buy-purchase-trade data from users items)

Current Stage:

Based on DDL sql script shared, with using python faker package some fake data holding source tables created with notebook called "Bronze_Layer_Notebook". Further steps applied on mentioned source tables for further steps.

Target Stage:

Intention is to create snowflake schemas and populate them with transformed data. All tables created on transformations will be saved to Snowflake schemas)

  • PUBLIC schema will hold ingested tables as raw data format
  • DWH_TASK schema will hold cleaned and relatively normalized tables as close as It can get to 3NF
  • BI_LAYER_TASK schema will hold analytics datawarehouse formatted tables and aggregated views as business requirements mentioned below.
    • All metrics are requested to be calculated by time periods required as Daily,Monthly and Weekly (Prefilters final fact table before metrics calculated) For to reach target stage from current stage 4 Airflow dags created as named
  • raw_tables_ingestion (Ingestion to PUBLIC Schema)
  • read_raw_data_tables (Created Normalized Tables - Deduplicated tables by unique value holding fields)
    • LOGIN_DF_DWH Table
    • Multiplayer_Battle_DF_DWH Table
    • New_user_DF_DWH Table
    • Session_started_DF_DWH Table
    • Ship_transaction_DF_DWH Table
    • User_id_DF_DWH Table (Created with anti join of new_user table and session_started table
  • read_dwh_layer_data_tables & kpi calculation
    • (Created Data Model for BI tool (Star Schema)) and (Table/Views holding Metrics/KPIs defined below)

Flow Diagrams (Shows steps applied on DAGS)

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Golden Layer Datamodel (Some columns hidden due to downsize schema view)

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All metrics calculations located on DAG file

General Metrics

  • Active Users: Unique User count exists on f_multi_ships table based on field named "Session_User_Id"
  • New Users: Unique User count exists on d_new_user dimension table based on field named "User_User_ID"
  • Revenue Sum: Total revenue sum from IN APP user purchasements calculated based on f_multi_ships table`s field "IN_APP_USD_COST" sum(IN_APP_USD_COST)
  • Spender Users: Count of User_Is_Spender field from d_user_id dim table
  • ARPU: Revenue per active user, calculated by division of Total Revenue to Active User Number
  • ARRPU: Revenue per spender users, calculated by division of Total Revenue to Spender User Number
  • 1 Day Retention Rate: Division of game played new user number to all new user number for last 1 day
  • 3 Day Retention Rate: Division of game played new user number to all new user number for last 3 day
  • 7 Day Retention Rate: Division of game played new user number to all new user number for last 7 day
  • 7 Day Conversion Rate: Division of item purchased new user number to all new user number for last 7 day

In game ship related metrics

  • Ships owned by everyuser everyday: Ships count that get into transactions this view will show that count as grouped by user_id, daily timestamp and ship name
  • Daily ships popularity: Ships rank by purchase count daily / Ships rank by sold count daily

User transactions overview

  • Amount of multiplayer battles before first purchase date of users: User battle participation count before their first purchase date
  • Amount of logins before first purchase date of users: User login count before their first purchase date
  • Amount of days before first purchase date of users: User day count before their first purchase date (Between their registration date and first purchase date)
  • Daily revenue per user: IN_APP item cost sum per User -- IN_APP_USD_COST field sum grouped by USER_ID for last 1 day
  • Weekly revenue per user: IN_APP item cost sum per User -- IN_APP_USD_COST field sum grouped by USER_ID for last 7 day
  • Monthly revenue per user: IN_APP item cost sum per User -- IN_APP_USD_COST field sum grouped by USER_ID for last 30 day

Battle analysis

  • New users participation in battles since 1/3/7/14 days since registration: User table with battle participation count as daily
  • Active users battle participations of all times: User table with battle participation count as daily

Activation of DAGS

Dags are dependent to each other as per their queue on ETL process, When Ingestion DAG runs as daily scheduled rest also runs by following.



Language:Python 99.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%