A modern, responsive portfolio website built with SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript. Features a dark mode toggle, interactive project cards, and particle effects.
- Dark/Light Mode: Seamless theme switching with smooth transitions
- Interactive Project Cards: Dynamic project showcases with hover effects
- Particle Effects: Beautiful snow particle animation using tsParticles
- Responsive Design: Mobile-first approach that looks great on all devices
- Modern Tech Stack: Built with the latest web technologies
- Accessibility: ARIA-compliant and keyboard navigable
- SvelteKit - Full-stack web framework
- TailwindCSS - Utility-first CSS framework
- TypeScript - Type-safe JavaScript
- Bits UI - Headless UI components
- tsParticles - Particle animations
- Lucide Icons - Beautiful icons
- Prettier - Code formatting
- ESLint - Code linting
MIT License - feel free to use this code for your own portfolio!