GiorgiChiaberashvili / Intro-Section-With-Dropdown-Navigation-J

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Frontend Mentor - QR code component solution

This is a solution to the Intro Section with dropdown navigation

Table of contents


My process

Never giving up and keep pushing further like before, nothing changed.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Javascript (JSX)
  • React
  • and with bunch of Love.

What I learned

HTML: Nothing new

CSS:Nothing specially new for CSS, it just took a lot of time to style the current project

React: It was first project for me where I started using React so everything was new. Creating components integrating the with Root file writing in line code for the logic.

Creating drop down menus both for Desktop and Mobile application, which was really hard for me and it took several days to learn how to do it. Main difficulty was the logic behind toggling the appearance of the menus.

Overall, Learned from scratch React up to this point and planning on practicising React for further projects.

What is Next

  1. More complicated and difficult projects.

  2. Keep improving clean and concise code writing skills

  3. Working on New projects where I can learn something new and interesting.




Language:CSS 47.2%Language:JavaScript 44.6%Language:HTML 8.2%