Giorgi / Beyond-Relational-with-Entity-Framework

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Beyond Relational with Entity Framework

Repository with demo project:

This repository contains information about Beyond Relational with Entity Framework workshop requirements.

What you will need:

  • A laptop
  • .Net 6 or newer
  • .Net IDE (Visual Studio, Rider) or Visual Studio Code configured for .Net development
  • SQL Server 2016 or newer
  • Postgres 11 or newer with Postgis extension
  • SQL Server query tool - SQL Server Management Studio, DataGrip, Azure Data Studio or something else.
  • Postgres query tool - PgAdmin, DataGrip, Azure Data Studio or something else.

For spatial data part, create a new postgres database and restore it from nyc_data.backup backup from this repository

Familiarity with EF Core is recommended.
