AngularJS-Vitamin by @GinesOrtiz
Full angularJS base including Auth with different roles and dynamic locale and layouts
For which kind of project should I use this seed?
This seed is made for projects where you will have multiple users with different roles and secctions depending of the user role, different layouts as you need and i18n across all the project.
Content of the seed
- Auth module with different roles (angular-permission)
- i18n filter (ng-i18next)
- AngularJS dynamic locale (angular-dynamic-locale)
- Dynamic layouts
- Http interceptor to inject Header authentication
- Bootstrap + UI Bootstrap
- SASS styles for each module and view
Comments on code
Almost every file from features folder has comments to explain how it works and the practices that I recommend to use based on multiple guidelines I read. It's highly recommended to read all file's comments.
- nodeJS
- Gulp
sudo npm install
bower install
In some cases you will need to replace the git protocol to https
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Deploy the project in development mode
gulp start
Actions made with gulp start
- Run a server with the folder app as root with live reload in .js .html and .css files
- SASS compiler
- Vendor packages concat and compressed
- App .js files concat but not compressed
Compile project for production
gulp compile
Actions made with gulp start
- Same as gulp start
- App .js files concat AND compressed
SASS has an automatic injection. In order to use it just create a file.scss for an specific feature and Gulp will inject it. The one that has preference is style.scss and the underscore "" is required for the rest of .scss files
I managed to create a simple chrome application to make easier the locale file edit: Google chrome extension!
File's names are very important in order to concat in the correct way automaticly.
- Modules:
- Service:
- Controller:
- Templates: name.tpl.html
Folders to avoid (.gitignore)
- .idea
- .sass-cache
- node_modules
- bower_components
- /temp
- Add different layouts for each user role
- Make an online demo to test
- Use Jasmine to test the services
- Improve UIX?
- Add a readme with the basic actual functions
- Chrome extension to edit locale files
- Comment Gulp functions