GigaXXIV / wendy-bite

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wendy Bite

Your client, Wendy, has created "pixel-perfect" images representing how she wants her website to look, and provided the text. Make her site!

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo and git clone it down to your computer
  2. When you're finished or when time is up, push your work to your remote repo, and file a Pull Request

Implements these mockups for two pages:

Home Page


Resume Page

Resume Page

Starter Files


Linked Pages

Each page should link back to the other (i.e. Home Page links to Resume Page and vice versa).

One Stylesheet

Use only one stylesheet shared by two pages.

Valid HTML & CSS

Your client knows a thing or two about web design, so be sure your HTML and CSS validate.

To check your HTML validates, use this site:

To check whether your CSS validates, use this site:
