Gibbu / kingworld

Fast, and friendly Bun web framework

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🦊 KingWorld

Fast, and friendly Bun web framework.

Focusing on speed, and simplicity.

Named after my favorite VTuber (Shirakami Fubuki) and composer (Sasakure.UK) song KINGWORLD/白上フブキ(Original)


  • Speed - Build for speed and optimized for Bun in mind.
  • Scalable - Designed for micro-service, decoupled logic and treat everything as building block
  • Simplicity - Composed patterns into plugin, removing redundant logic into one simple plugin
  • Friendliness - Familiar pattern with enhance TypeScript supports eg. auto infers type paramters

⚡️ KingWorld is one of the fastest Bun web framework


KingWorld can be heavily customized with the use of plugins.

Official plugins:

  • Static for serving static file/folders
  • Cookie for reading/setting cookie
  • Schema for validating request declaratively
  • CORS for handling CORs request

Quick Start

KingWorld is a web framework based on Bun.

bun add kingworld

Now create index.ts, and place the following:

import KingWorld from 'kingworld'

new KingWorld()
    .get("/", () => "🦊 Now foxing")

And run the server:

bun index.ts

Then simply open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Congrats! You have just create a new web server in KingWorld 🎉🎉


Common HTTP methods have a built-in methods for convenient usage:

app.get("/hi", () => "Hi")
    .post("/hi", () => "From Post")
    .put("/hi", () => "From Put")
    .on("M-SEARCH", async () => "Custom Method")

// [GET] /hi => "Hi"
// [POST] /hi => "From Post"
// [PUT] /hi => "From Put"
// [M-SEARCH] /hi => "Custom Method"

To return JSON, simply return any serializable object:

app.get("/json", () => ({
    hi: 'KingWorld'

// [GET] /json => {"hi": "KingWorld"}

All values returned from handler will be transformed into Response.

You can return Response if you want to declaratively control the response.

    .get("/number", () => 1)
    .get("/boolean", () => true)
    .get("/promise", () => new Promise((resovle) => resolve("Ok")))
    .get("/response", () => new Response("Hi", {
        status: 200,
        headers: {
            "x-powered-by": "KingWorld"

// [GET] /number => "1"
// [GET] /boolean => "true"
// [GET] /promise => "Ok"
// [GET] /response => "Hi"

You can use ctx.status to explictly set status code without creating Response

    .get("/401", ({ status }) => {

        return "This should be 401"

Files are also transformed to response. Simply return Bun.file to serve static file.

app.get("/tako", () => Bun.file('./example/takodachi.png'))

To get path paramameters, prefix the path with a colon:

app.get("/id/:id", ({ params: { id } }) => id)

// [GET] /id/123 => 123

To ensure the type, simply pass a generic:

    params: {
        id: string
}>("/id/:id", ({ params: { id } }) => id)

// [GET] /id/123 => 123

Wildcard works as expected:

app.get("/wildcard/*", () => "Hi")

// [GET] /wildcard/ok => "Hi"
// [GET] /wildcard/abc/def/ghi => "Hi"

For a fallback page, use default:

app.get("/", () => "Hi")
    .default(() => new Response("Not stonk :(", {
        status: 404

// [GET] / => "Not stonk :("

You can group multiple route with a prefix with group:

    .get("/", () => "Hi")
    .group("/auth", app => {
            .get("/", () => "Hi")
            .post("/sign-in", ({ body }) => body)
            .put("/sign-up", ({ body }) => body)

// [GET] /auth/sign-in => "Hi"
// [POST] /auth/sign-in => <body>
// [PUT] /auth/sign-up => <body>

And you can decouple the route logic to a separate plugin.

import KingWorld, { type Plugin } from 'kingworld'

const hi: Plugin = (app) => app
    .get('/hi', () => 'Hi')

const app = new KingWorld()
    .get('/', () => 'KINGWORLD')

// [GET] / => "KINGWORLD"
// [GET] /hi => "Hi"

Lastly, you can specified hostname to listen if need:

import KingWorld, { type Plugin } from 'kingworld'

const app = new KingWorld()
    .get('/', () => 'KINGWORLD')
        port: 3000,
        hostname: ''

// [GET] / => "KINGWORLD"


Handler is a callback function that returns Response. Used in HTTP method handler.

new KingWorld()
        // This is handler
        () => "KingWorld"

By default, handler will accepts two parameters: request and store.

// Simplified Handler
type Handler = (request: ParsedRequest, store: Instance['store']) => Response

const handler: Handler = (request: {
    request: Request
    query: ParsedUrlQuery
    params: Record<string, string>
    headers: Record<string, string>
    body: Promise<string | Object>
    responseHeaders: Headers
}, store: Record<any, unknown>)

Handler Request

Handler's request consists of

  • request [Request]
    • Native fetch Request
  • query [ParsedUrlQuery]
    • Parsed Query Parameters as Record<string, string>
    • Default: {}
    • Example:
      • path: /hi?name=fubuki&game=KingWorld
      • query: { "name": "fubuki", "game": "KingWorld" }
  • params [Record<string, string>]
    • Path paramters as object
    • Default: {}
    • Example:
      • Code: app.get("/id/:name/:game")
      • path: /id/kurokami/KingWorld
      • params: { "name": "kurokami", "game": "KingWorld" }
  • headers [Record<string, string>]
    • Function which returns request's headers
  • body [Promise<string | Object>]
    • Function which returns request's body
    • By default will return either string or Object
      • Will return Object if request's header contains Content-Type: application/json, and is deserializable
      • Otherwise, will return string
  • responseHeaders [Header]
    • Mutable object reference, will attached to response's header
    • For example, adding CORS to response as a plugin
  • status [(statusCode: number) => void]
    • Function to set response status code explictly


Store is a singleton store of the application.

Is recommended for local state, reference of database connection, and other things that need to be available to be used with handler.

Store value if of 2 types:

  • State: Assigned once at creation
  • Ref: Assign at every request
new KingWorld()
    .state('build', Math.random())
    .ref('random', () => Math.random())
    .get("/build", ({}, { build }) => build)
    .get("/random", ({}, { random }) => random)

// [GET] /build => 0.5
// [GET] /build => 0.5 // Will have the same value as first request
// [GET] /date => 0.374
// [GET] /date => 0.785
// [GET] /date => 0.651

State will have any value assigned, eg. Function will be a function reference. However for ref, if a value is a function, it will be called once.

This is for convenient usage of complex logic assigning at the beginning of every request.

You can assign a function to ref by assigning another callback, however if you want to assign function, please use state instead because function should be static.

// ❌ Function is assigned on every request
new KingWorld()
    .ref('getRandom', () => () => Math.random())
    .get("/random", ({}, { getRandom }) => getRandom())

// ✅ Function is assigned once
new KingWorld()
    .state('getRandom', () => Math.random())
    .get("/random", ({}, { getRandom }) => getRandom())

Typed Store

KingWorld accepts generic to type a store globally.

new KingWorld<{
    store: {
        build: number
        random: number
    .state('build', Math.random())
    .ref('random', () => Math.random())
    .get("/build", ({}, { build }) => build)
    .get("/random", ({}, { random }) => random)


KingWorld request's lifecycle can be illustrate as the following:

Request -> onRequest -> route -> transform -> preHandler -> Response

The callback that assigned to lifecycle is called hook.

Pre Handler

  • onRequest
    • Call on new request


  • router.find (route)
    • Find handler assigned to route

Post Handler

  • transform [Handler]
    • Called before validating request
    • Use to transform request's body, params, query before validation
  • preHandler [Handler]
    • Handle request before executing path handler
    • If value returned, will skip to Response process

Lifecycle can be assigned with app.<lifecycle name>():

For example, assigning transform to a request:

    // ? Transform params 'id' to number if available
    .transform(({ params }) => {

Local Hook

There's 2 type of hook

  • Global Hook
    • Assign to every handler
  • Local Hook
    • Assigned by third parameters of Route Handler or app.<method>(path, handler, localHook)
    • Affected only scoped handler
    // ? Global Hook
    .transform(({ params }) => {
   = + 1
        ({ params: { id, name } }) => `${id} ${name}`,
        // ? Local hook
            transform: ({ params }) => {
                if( === "白上フブキ")
           = "Shirakami Fubuki"
    .get("/new/:id", ({ params: { id, name } }) => `${id} ${name}`)

// [GET] /id/2/kson => "3 kson"
// [GET] /id/1/白上フブキ => "2 Shirakami Fubuki"
// [GET] /new/1/白上フブキ => "2 白上フブキ"

You can have multiple local hooks as well by assigning it as array:

        ({ params: { id, name } }) => `${id} ${name}`,
            transform: [
                ({ params }) => {
               = + 1
                ({ params }) => {
                    if( === "白上フブキ")
               = "Shirakami Fubuki"

// [GET] /id/2/kson => "3 kson"
// [GET] /id/1/白上フブキ => "2 Shirakami Fubuki"
// [GET] /new/1/白上フブキ => "2 白上フブキ"


Callback assign to lifecycle before routing.

As it's handle before routing, there's no params, query.

type PreRequestHandler = (request: Request, store: Store) => void

Lifecycle that assigned with PreRequestHandler:

  • onRequest

Handler (Event)

Callback assign to lifecycle after routing.

Accept same value as path handler, @see Handler

Lifecycle that assigned with Handler:

  • transform
  • preHandler


Use to modify request's body, params, query before validation.

        ({ params: { name }, hi }) => hi(name),
        // ? Local hook
            transform: ({ params }) => {
                if( === "白上フブキ")
           = "Shirakami Fubuki"
                params.hi = (name: string) => `Hi ${name}`

// [GET] /gamer/白上フブキ => "Shirakami Fubuki"
// [GET] /gamer/Botan => "Botan"

You can easily modify body in transform to decouple logic into separate plugin.

new KingWorld()
		body: {
			id: number
			username: string
		async ({ body }) => {
			const { username } = body

			return `Hi ${username}`
			transform: (request) => { =

Schema Validation

Please use @kingworldjs/schema to handle typed-strict validation of incoming request.


import KingWorld from 'kingworld'
import schema, { S } from '@kingworldjs/schema'

new KingWorld()
    .get('/id/:id', ({ request: { params: { id } } }) => id, {
        transform: (request, store) {
        preHandler: schema({
            params: S.object().prop('id', S.number().minimum(1).maximum(100))

// [GET] /id/2 => 2
// [GET] /id/500 => Invalid params
// [GET] /id/-3 => Invalid params

See @kingworldjs/schema for more detail about schema validation.


Handle request before executing path handler. If value is returned, the value will be the response instead and skip the path handler.

Schema validation is useful, but as it only validate the type sometime app require more complex logic than type validation.

For example: Checking value if value existed in database before executing the request.

import KingWorld, { S } from 'kingworld'

new KingWorld()
        body: {
            username: string
    }>('/id/:id', ({ request: { body }) => {
            const { username } = await body

            return `Hi ${username}`
        }, {
        preHandler: async ({ body }) => {
            const { username } = await body
            const user = await database.find(username)

                return user.profile
                return Response("User doesn't exists", {
                    status: 400


Plugin is used to decouple logic into smaller function.

import KingWorld, { type Plugin } from 'kingworld'

const hi: Plugin = (app) => app
    .get('/hi', () => 'Hi')

const app = new KingWorld()
    .get('/', () => 'KINGWORLD')

// [GET] / => "KINGWORLD"
// [GET] /hi => "Hi"

However, plugin can also be used for assigning new store, and hook making it very useful.

To register a plugin, simply add plugin into use.

use can accept 2 parameters:

  • plugin [Plugin]
  • config [Config?] (Optional)
const plugin: Plugin = (
    // Config (2nd paramters of `use`)
    { prefix = '/fbk' } = {}
) => app
        .group(prefix, (app) => {
            app.get('/plugin', () => 'From Plugin')

new KingWorld()
    .use(app, {
        prefix: '/fubuki'

To develop plugin with type support, Plugin can accepts generic.

const plugin: Plugin<
    // ? Typed Config
        prefix?: string
    // ? Same as KingWorld<{}>(), will extends current instance
        store: {
            fromPlugin: 'From Logger'
        request: {
            log: () => void
> = (app, { prefix = '/fbk' } = {})  => 
        .state('fromPlugin', 'From Logger')
        .transform(({ responseHeaders }) => {
            request.log = () => {
                console.log('From Logger')

            responseHeaders.append('X-POWERED-BY', 'KINGWORLD')
        .group(prefix, (app) => {
            app.get('/plugin', () => 'From Plugin')

const app = new KingWorld<{
    Store: {
        build: number
        date: number
    .get('/', ({ log }) => {

        return 'KingWorld'

// [GET] /fbk/plugin => "From Plugin"

Since Plugin have a type declaration, all request and store will be fully type and extended from plugin.

For example:

// Before plugin registration
new KingWorld<{
    Store: {
        build: number
        date: number

// After plugin registration
new KingWorld<{
    Store: {
        build: number
        date: number
    } & {
        fromPlugin: 'From Logger'
    Request: {
        log: () => void

This will enforce type safety across codebase.

const app = new KingWorld<{
    Store: {
        build: number
        date: number
    .get('/', ({ log }) => {
        // `log` get type declaration reference from `plugin`

        return 'KingWorld'

Local plugin custom type

Sometime, when you develop local plugin, type reference from main instance is need, but not available after separation.

const plugin: Plugin = (app)  => 
        .get("/user/:id", ({ db, params: { id } }) => 
            // ❌ Type Error: db is not defined or smth like that

const app = new KingWorld<{
    Store: {
        database: Database
    .state('db', database)

That's why plugin can accept the third generic for adding temporary local type but do not extend the main instance.

const plugin: Plugin<
    // Same as KingWorld<Instance>
        store: {
            db: Database
> = (app)  => 
        .get("/user/:id", ({ db, params: { id } }) => 
            // ✅ db is now typed

const app = new KingWorld()
    .state('db', database)

Async Plugin

To create an async plugin, simply create an async function the return plugin.

const plugin = async (): Plugin => {
    const db = await setupDatabase()

    return (app) => 
            .state('db', database)
            .get("/user/:id", ({ db, params: { id } }) => 
                // ✅ db is now typed

const app = new KingWorld()
    .state('db', database)

KingWorld Instance

KingWorld can accepts named generic to type global instance.

For example, type-strict store.

const app = new KingWorld<{
    Store: {
        build: number
    .state('build', 1)

KingWorld instance can accept generic of KingWorldInstance

export interface KingWorldInstance<
	Store extends Record<string, any> = {},
	Request extends Record<string, any> = {}
> {
	Request?: Request
	Store: Store


KingWorld is designed to be serverless, only one simple handle is need to be assigned to serverless function.

This also be used to create simple test environment, by simply call handle function.

import { describe, expect, it } from "bun:test"

const req = (path: string) => new Request(path)

describe('Correctness', () => {
	it('[GET] /', async () => {
		const app = new KingWorld().get('/', () => 'Hi')
		const res = await app.handle(req('/'))

		expect(await res.text()).toBe('Hi')

State of KingWorld

KingWorld is an experimental web framework based on bun.

A bleeding edge web framework focused on developer friendliness, and performance, but is not recommended for production.

As KingWorld is in 0.0.0-experimental.x, API is very unstable and will change in any point of time, at-least until 0.1.0 is release.


KingWorld is MIT License


Fast, and friendly Bun web framework

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.6%Language:JavaScript 1.4%