Create a new migration to update the database schema with your new changes:
dotnet ef migrations add "[New Migration Name]" --project POI.Persistence.EFCore.Npgsql --verbose -- "[Connection String]"
Apply all generated migrations on your database:
dotnet ef database update --project POI.Persistence.EFCore.Npgsql --verbose -- "[Connection String]"
Find all migrations in the POI.Persistence.EFCore.Npgsql/Migrations
Variable | Description | Example |
ConnectionStrings:PostgreSQL |
Connection string for PostgreSQL database (tutorial) | Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=poi_test_db;Username=postgres;Password=password |
Discord:Prefix |
Prefix for bot chat commands | poi |
Discord:Token |
Token for your Discord bot (tutorial) | xxxx.xxxx.xxxx |
Paths:DataFolderPath |
Path to folder where data files like image assets and logs can be stored | C:\your-path\POI\Data |