Gerviba / signal-simulator

Stochastic signal generator and stress tester

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IPCamp Competition - Signal Simulator

A solution by Szabó Gergely.

Build, test, setup

  • Show in the IDE: You need to have Lombok installed.
  • Requirements: Java 8+, Maven
  • Build: $ mvn clean install
  • Test: $ mvn test
  • Setup: The compiled jar file is executable. (Thanks to spring-boot) It can also be used as a web archive (.war file).

$ java -Xmx<memory>M<mode> -jar simulator-<version>.jar


WebUI Config

Config files

Custom config files are available for every profiles.

  • src/main/resources/ : Global settings
  • src/main/resources/application-<mode>.properties : Settings for the specified mode

Any configuration property can be set using the -D<>= command line argument.

All of the custom properties are documented. See src/main/resources/META-INF/additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json file for more.

NOTE: Slave nodes must be configured with the same input source, protocol JSON and transporter properties as the master to work properly.

Protocol JSON

- (Optional) Array of VehicleTypes
	- VehicleType: class
		- vehicleType: String
		- frames: array of Frame
			- name: String
			- frameID: number
			- period: number
			- signals: array of Signal
				- name: String
				- position: number
				- length: number
  • VehicleType, Frame and Signal is located in the hu.gerviba.simulator.model package.
  • Numbers are integers (max 8 byte)
  • Examples: test/configs/ folder
  • Use simulator.config-file property in the properties file or the -Dsimulator.config-file= command line argument to specify the protocol json.

Profiles (Modes)

Profile name Description
standalone Simple behaviour.
master Accepts and discovers slaves. Manages the slave nodes.
slave Works as a slave node.

How to set profiles?

Edit the file or use the command line argument.

Input Sources


Class name: hu.gerviba.simulator.input.RandomFlowInputGenerator

Generates smooth signal data.

The algorithm is as follows:

  • Generate random starting values for every signal per vehicle instance.
  • Sets the delta values to 0 for every signal per vehicle instance.
  • Every time the scheduler runs the update task: The delta value will be randomly modified and added (or subtracted if it's negative) to the value.

Inspired by 2nd derivatives.


It generates random data using a simple random generator and masks the generated numbers to match the signal length.


Class name: hu.gerviba.simulator.input.LogBasedInputSource

This is an example of how can it be used for sending recorded data.


HTTP Transporter

Class name: hu.gerviba.simulator.transport.HTTPTransporter

Settings are the following:

Both HTTP and HTTPS are supported.

I wrote a simple PHP script to test the class:

<?php //name: /var/www/html/cloud/index.php
	$data = file_get_contents("php://input");
	foreach (str_split($data) as $part)
		echo ord($part) . " ";
	echo "\n";

MQTT Transporter

Class name: hu.gerviba.simulator.transport.MQTTTransporter

Settings are the following:
  • If you leave the username empty, authentication will be disabled.
  • Currently only QoS=0 supported.
  • I found mosquitto very useful for testing.
  • MQTT documentation


There are three debugging transporter:

  • DebugTransporter : Prints packets to standard out
  • MockTransporter : Can be used for testing
  • NullTransporter : Will ignore any data



To enable: use profile master

Method Path Arguments Description
GET /api/slaves none Returns the list of all slaves

Master and Standalone

Method Path Arguments Description
GET /api/status/server none Returns server status. Used in WebUI dashboard.
GET /api/inputgenerator/start none Starts the input generator.
GET /api/inputgenerator/stop none Stops the input generator.
GET /api/cluster/start none Sends start signals to slaves.
GET /api/cluster/stop none Sends stop signals to slaves.


To enable: use profile slave

Method Path Arguments Description
GET /api/slave/status apiKey:String Results statistic from this node
POST /api/slave/start command:CommandDao Send command to node
POST /api/slave/stop none Send stop signal


To enable: use profile standalone or master.
NOTE: Config property simulator.enable-webui must be true.


  • JavaScript, JQuery : Client side
  • Google fonts, Google material icons : Client side
  • Spring MVC, Thymeleaf : Server side


Method Path Description
GET / Redirection to /webui
GET /webui/ WebUI dashboard, realtime statistics
GET /webui/controls Input generator (ON/OFF)
GET /webui/settings Vehicle count
GET /webui/cluster List of slave nodes

Form actions

Method Path Arguments Description
POST /webui/range name:String, count:Long Set the count of the selected vehicle
POST /webui/controls/start none InputSource instance - start() method.
POST /webui/controls/stop none InputSource instance - stop() method.
POST /webui/cluster/start none ClusterService instance - start() method.
POST /webui/cluster/stop none ClusterService instance - stop() method.


Known security issues

  • Using transporters (HTTPTransporter, MQTTTransporter) without ssl is dangerous.
  • The WebUI and a RestAPI (in standalone and master instances) can be used without authentication.
  • The slave apiKey can be easily stolen via man-in-the-middle attacks.


  • Use HTTPS whenever it's possible.
  • Block unnecessary port traffic.
  • Use VPNs for remote hosts.


WebUI Dashboard

WebUI Dashboard

WebUI Dashboard


Stochastic signal generator and stress tester


Language:Java 88.9%Language:HTML 8.4%Language:CSS 2.3%Language:Shell 0.5%