Gerst20051 / StringsManager

Organizations can manage translations for the strings in all of their applications.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Organizations can manage translations for the strings in all of their applications.

Open to view it in the browser.

Setup Repo

[$]> mkdir StringsManager && cd $_

[$]> nvm version-remote --lts=fermium > .nvmrc

[$]> nvm install && nvm use

Create Assets

[$]> mkdir assets

[$]> cp path/to/original/logo.svg assets/logo.svg

Setup Provider Credentials

Create Backend Service

[$]> npx serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path strings-manager

Init Gitignore File

cat << GITIGNORE > strings-manager/.gitignore

Init Package JSON File

cat << JSON > strings-manager/package.json
  "name": "strings-manager",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "cors": "^$(npm show cors version)",
    "express": "^$(npm show express version)",
    "serverless-http": "^$(npm show serverless-http version)"
  "scripts": {
    "deploy": "sls deploy",
    "start": "sls invoke local -f app -d '{ \"path\": \"/request\" }'"
  "devDependencies": {
    "serverless": "^$(npm show serverless version)",
    "serverless-offline": "^$(npm show serverless-offline version)"

Create Frontend App

[$]> npx create-react-app react-strings-manager --use-npm

Update NPM Start Command

[$]> sed -i '' 's/react-scripts start/PORT=4000 react-scripts start/' react-strings-manager/package.json

Update NPM Build Command

[$]> sed -i '' 's#react-scripts build#PUBLIC_URL= react-scripts build#' react-strings-manager/package.json

Add NPM Deploy Command

[$]> (FILE='react-strings-manager/package.json'; jq '.scripts.deploy = "rsync -r -a -v -e ssh --delete build/ droplet:/root/www/strings-manager"' $FILE | sponge $FILE)

Update Public Logos

[$]> ./

Update Public Index HTML

cat << BASH | bash
app_name='Strings Manager'
old_description='Web site created using create-react-app'
new_description='Organizations can manage translations for the strings in all of their applications'
sed -i '' "s/\$old_description/\$new_description/g" \$file
sed -i '' "s/React App/\$app_name/g" \$file

Update Public Manifest JSON

[$]> (NAME='Strings Manager'; FILE='react-strings-manager/public/manifest.json'; jq ".short_name = \"$(echo $NAME)\" | .name = \"$(echo $NAME)\"" $FILE | sponge $FILE)

Backend Instructions

[$]> cd strings-manager

Install Dependencies

[$]> nvm use

[$]> npm i

Invoke Lambda (Locally)

[$]> npm start => sls invoke local -f app -d '{ "path": "/request" }'

Deploy Lambda To AWS

[$]> npm run deploy => sls deploy

Frontend Instructions

[$]> cd react-strings-manager

Install Dependencies

[$]> nvm use

[$]> npm i

Run Development Server

[$]> npm start => PORT=4000 react-scripts start

Open http://localhost:4000 to view it in the browser.

Run Tests

[$]> npm test => react-scripts test

Build & Deploy Production

[$]> npm run build => PUBLIC_URL= react-scripts build

[$]> npm run deploy => rsync -r -a -v -e ssh --delete build/ droplet:/root/www/strings-manager

Swagger API Documentation

Open http://localhost:4000/?swagger to view it in the browser.

Open to view it in the browser.


Organizations can manage translations for the strings in all of their applications.


Language:JavaScript 46.3%Language:HTML 23.8%Language:Shell 20.5%Language:CSS 9.4%