GeroVanMi / user

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AstroNvim User Configuration

My personal configuration template for AstroNvim

🛠️ Installation

Install external dependencies

ripgrep Telescope needs ripgrep for the live grep functionality.

cargo install ripgrep

bottom In order for <Leader>tt to work, we need bottom, which can be installed through cargo:

# If required, update Rust to the stable channel first
rustup update stable

# Install
cargo install bottom --locked

LazyGit LazyGit must be installed on the local machine for its integration with NeoVim to work.
Follow the installation instructions on their GitHub repository.

Make a backup of your current nvim and shared folder

mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak
mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.bak

Clone AstroNvim

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Create a new user repository from the AstroNvim template

Use the official template from AstroNvim.

You can also just clone this repository directly if you want to copy my configuration.

Clone the repository

git clone<your_user>/<your_repository> ~/.config/nvim/lua/user

Start Neovim




Language:Lua 100.0%