Gepetto / gepetto-viewer

Graphical Interface for Pinocchio and HPP.

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robotpkg - Installation dependency conflicts

olimexsmart opened this issue · comments


I am trying to install gepetto-viewer using robotpkg, which seems to be configured correctly because I am able to install and use other packages (e.g., pinocchio). However, when trying to install gepetto-viewer I get the following error

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 robotpkg-gepetto-viewer : Depends: robotpkg-urdfdom-headers (= 0.3.0) but 1.0.4 is to be installed
                           Depends: robotpkg-urdfdom (= 0.3.0r2) but 1.0.3 is to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

I am working on Linux Mint 19.2, which is based on Ubuntu 18.04. I have tried to clean my system by uninstalling most robotpkg packages, so that now I have only the following packages:

$ dpkg -l | grep robotpkg
ii  robotpkg-eigen3                            3.3.0                                           amd64        a C++ template library for linear algebra
ii  robotpkg-hpp-fcl+doc                       1.2.0                                           amd64        Humanoid Path Planner (collision detection and distance computations)
ii  robotpkg-libccd                            2.0                                             amd64        collision detection
ii  robotpkg-octomap                           1.9.0                                           amd64        An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
ii  robotpkg-py36-eigenpy                      1.6.9                                           amd64        Eigen bindings to python

Can anybody help me figure out why it doesn' t work? Thanks in advance for your help.

You probably have to install robotpkg-py27-qt4-gepetto-viewer and robotpkg-py27-qt4-gepetto-viewer-corba. Adapt it to your Python and Qt version.

Now my list of robotpkg packages looks like this but the problem persists

ii  robotpkg-eigen3                            3.3.0                                           amd64        a C++ template library for linear algebra
ii  robotpkg-example-robot-data                3.1.1                                           amd64        Set of robot URDFs for benchmarking and developed examples.
ii  robotpkg-hpp-fcl+doc                       1.2.0                                           amd64        Humanoid Path Planner (collision detection and distance computations)
ii  robotpkg-libccd                            2.0                                             amd64        collision detection
ii  robotpkg-octomap                           1.9.0                                           amd64        An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
ii  robotpkg-omniorb                           4.2.3r1                                         amd64        ORB that implements the 2.6 specification of the CORBA
ii  robotpkg-pinocchio                         2.2.1                                           amd64        Efficient rigid body dynamics
ii  robotpkg-py36-eigenpy                      1.6.9                                           amd64        Eigen bindings to python
ii  robotpkg-py36-example-robot-data           3.1.1                                           amd64        Set of robot URDFs for benchmarking and developed examples.
ii  robotpkg-py36-omniorbpy                    4.2.3                                           amd64        Robust high-performance CORBA ORB for Python
ii  robotpkg-py36-pinocchio                    2.2.1                                           amd64        Efficient rigid body dynamics (python bindings)
ii  robotpkg-py36-qt4-gepetto-viewer           4.8.0                                           amd64        Humanoid Path Planner (Simple viewer based on OpenSceneGraph)
ii  robotpkg-py36-qt4-gepetto-viewer-corba     5.3.2                                           amd64        Humanoid Path Planner (Corba server for gepetto-viewer)

Hi @olimexsmart

Where didi you find instructions about robotpkg-gepetto-viewer ? This is obsolete and should have done replaced py robotpkg-py36-qt4-gepetto-viewer, which you correctly have.

Hi, thanks for the quick response

Indeed now gepetto works fine

I just started a PhD with Andrea Del Prete and we were trying to set everything up. On his system robotpkg-gepetto-viewer, which is 16.04 based, worked fine. Don't know if the Ubuntu version matters in this question, but I would say it's the defining difference between our systems. BTW, he is going to substitute too his installation with these new gepetto packages.

Have a nice day,