GeorgyFirsov / PodSerializer

Library used to serialize and deserialize any POD-structure (and some non-POD structs) with no modifications applied to them. Here I use a lot of templates and other meta-magic :)

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Compiler Version Status Comments
MSVC 19.22 Success Main build system.
MSVC 19.16 Partial Precise reflection doesn't work on MSVC 19.16
GCC 6.1 Partial GetFieldsCount, FromTuple and GetTypeList are compiled and tested successfully.
CLang 6.0.0 Partial GetFieldsCount and FromTuple are compiled and tested successfully.

PodSerializer is actually two-in-one library: it contains various static reflection tools along with classes for serialization of POD's. Now it is possible to serialize some non-POD's into StringStreamSerializer. Also you can convert them into a tuple with ToTuplePrecise and ToStandardTuplePrecise methods.

Developing in progress

Documentation in progress

Brief introduction and review


Currently are fully developed two ways to serialize POD's: to binary buffer and to I/O streams. Main featores of serialization tools from this library can be included with Serialization.h and StreamOperators.h files. Here is an example:

struct MyStruct
  char field1;
  int  field2;

// ...

MyStruct original{ 'a', 42 };
MyStruct loaded{ '\0', 0 };

BinarySerializer<MyStruct> serializer;    // Serializer class (it is a specialization of generic template)
BinaryBuffer<MyStruct> buffer;            // Buffer instance to hold serialized value

serializer.Serialize( original, buffer ); // Save our struct

assert( !buffer.IsEmpty() );              // Here buffer will never be empty

serializer.Deserialize( loaded, buffer ); // Now load data into a new variable

assert( original.field1 == loaded.field1 ); // Ensure equality of fields of loaded and original structs
assert( original.field2 == loaded.field2 );

Serialization to I/O streams differs from example above only by usage of classes StringStreamSerializer and StringStreamBuffer instead of BinarySerializer and BinaryBuffer respectively.

Moreover now you are allowed to write the following code:

#include "StreamOperators.h"

using namespace io_operators;

// ...

// No operators << and >> are defined for MyStruct!!!
MyStruct obj{ 'a', 42 };

std::cout << obj; // Will print "a 42"
std::cin >> obj;  // Input each field from keyboard and put them directly into 'obj'


Another half of th library contains several reflection tools. All of them can be included with file Reflection.h. Using this header you can now look inside of some POD structure and, for instance, enumerate each its field (I wish I could find out names of fields... But today it is impossible in C++). Here is a couple examples:

Example #1
#include "Reflection.h"

using namespace io_operators;

struct MyStruct
  int    field1;
  double field2;
  char   field3;

// ...

MyStruct obj{ 42, 3.14, 'a' };

std::cout << "MyStruct has "                   // Will print "MyStruct has 3 fields"
          << reflection::GetFieldsCount( obj ) 
          << " fields" << std::endl;
Example #2
#include "Reflection.h"
#include "Tuple.h" // Here is rewritten tuple class and some tools for it

// ...

MyStruct obj{ 42, 3.14, 'a' };

// Convert our struct into a tuple
auto tpl = reflection::ToTuple( obj ); // tpl is instance of type types::Tuple<int, double, char>

assert( types::get<0>( tpl ) == obj.field1 ); // Tuple contains exactly the same values as 'obj'
assert( types::get<1>( tpl ) == obj.field2 );
assert( types::get<2>( tpl ) == obj.field3 );

// Will be printed: "42 3.14 a"
// It is really important to use a generic lambda (with template invocation function) inside types::for_each
types::for_each( tpl, []( const auto& elem ) {
  std::cout << elem << " ";
Example #3
#include <tuple>

#include "Reflection.h"
#include "Tuple.h"

// ...

MyStruct obj{ 42, 3.14, 'a' };

// You can convert your struct into a standard tuple
auto tpl = reflection::ToStandardTuple( obj ); // tpl is instance of type std::tuple<int, double, char>

assert( std::get<0>( tpl ) == obj.field1 ); // Tuple contains exactly the same values as 'obj'
assert( std::get<1>( tpl ) == obj.field2 );
assert( std::get<2>( tpl ) == obj.field3 );

// Moreover you can use ToStdTuple function to convert types::Typle into corresponding std::tuple
Example #4
#include "Reflection.h"
#include "Tuple.h"

// ...

MyStruct obj{ 42, 2.71, 'a' };
types::Tuple<int, double, char> tpl{ -42, 2.71, 'b' };

// Load values from tuple directly into 'obj'
obj = reflection::FromTuple<MyStruct>( tpl );

assert( obj.field1 == -42  ); // 'obj' now contains exactly the same values as tuple
assert( obj.field2 == 2.71 );
assert( obj.field3 == 'b'  );
Example #5
#include "StreamOperators.h"
#include "Reflection.h"
#include "Tuple.h"

using namespace io_operators;

struct Person 
    std::string m_name;
    size_t m_age;

// ...

Person bob{ "Bob", 45 };

std::cout << bob;                     // will print: Bob 45
std::cout << beautiful_struct << bob; // will print: { Bob, 45 }

auto bob_tpl = ToTuplePrecise( bob );

// Will print: Bob is 45 years old.
std::cout << types::get<0>( bob_tpl ) << " is " 
          << types::get<1>( bob_tpl ) << " years old." << std::endl;


  • C++14 support.
  • Reflected (serialization uses reflection inside) structure must not contain static fields (they are simply ignored), bit-fields (they can cause some errors), unions and references. Currently pointers are not supported too (coming soon).
  • Reflected struct must be constexpr aggregate initializable.
  • Other limitations are listed in file Support.h


GNU General Public License v3.0


Library used to serialize and deserialize any POD-structure (and some non-POD structs) with no modifications applied to them. Here I use a lot of templates and other meta-magic :)

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:C 1.6%