Genbox / SPARQL.Net

A simple SPARQL read-only API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SPARQL.NET - A simple read-only SPARQL API


  • Based on RestSharp ( to deserialize XML into objects
  • Can send SPARQL queries to a SPARQL enabled endpoints
  • Parses the output from the endpoint into objects
  • HTML table output
  • Text table output


static void Main(string[] args)
	//Set the endpoint
	QueryClient client = new QueryClient("");

	//Create a query that finds people who were born in Berlin before 1900
	QueryResult result = client.Query("PREFIX : <>" +
										"PREFIX dbo: <>" +
										"SELECT ?name ?birth ?death ?person WHERE {" +
										"     ?person dbo:birthPlace :Berlin ." +
										"     ?person dbo:birthDate ?birth ." +
										"     ?person foaf:name ?name ." +
										"     ?person dbo:deathDate ?death ." +
										"     FILTER (?birth < \"1900-01-01\"^^xsd:date) ." +
										"} ORDER BY ?birth LIMIT 10");

	Console.WriteLine(result.GetOutput(OutputFormat.Text, 77));


|       name       |      birth       |      death       |      person      |
|Dorothea of Bra...|    1420-02-09    |    1491-01-19    |http://dbpedia....|
|Anna of Branden...|    1487-08-27    |    1514-05-03    |http://dbpedia....|
|Sigismund Of Br...|    1538-12-11    |    1566-09-13    |http://dbpedia....|
|Erdmuthe of Bra...|    1561-06-26    |    1623-11-13    |http://dbpedia....|
|Sigismund, John...|    1572-11-08    |    1619-12-23    |http://dbpedia....|
|Magdalene of Br...|    1582-01-07    |    1616-05-04    |http://dbpedia....|
|Agnes of Brande...|    1584-07-17    |    1629-03-26    |http://dbpedia....|
|Margrave of Bra...|    1591-11-20    |    1615-11-29    |http://dbpedia....|
|Margravine Loui...|    1617-09-13    |    1676-08-29    |http://dbpedia....|
|Frederick William |    1620-02-16    |    1688-04-29    |http://dbpedia....|

For more examples, take a look at the SPARQL.NET Client included in the project.


A simple SPARQL read-only API


Language:C# 100.0%