GembelTechno / Youlikehits

Menambah Jam Tayang Channel Youtube dengan Youlikehits

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

// ==UserScript== // @name YouLikeHits Bot // @namespace // @version 0.4.1 // @description Interacts with YLH automatically whereever possible. // @author gekkedev // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match :// // @match ://* // @match ://* // @match ://* // @match ://* // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @require // @require // @require // ==/UserScript==

(() => { const J = jQuery.noConflict(true); const globalInterval = 2000;

solveCaptcha = (imageEl, outputEl, captchaIdentifier, callback = () => {}) => {
    if (window[captchaIdentifier] == undefined) {
        window[captchaIdentifier] = true; //solving takes some time, so we'll lock a duplicate solver instance out
        let note = attachNotification(imageEl, "Please wait while your captcha is being solved. Don't worry if the code does not seem to match; that's because a new captcha image has been generated!");
        Tesseract.recognize(J(imageEl).attr("src")).then(equation => {
            var formula = equation.text;
            if (formula.length = 3) {//the exact length of the fomula
                if (formula.substr(1, 1) == 7) { //2-1 gets recognized as 271
                    formula = formula.substr(0, 1) + "-" + formula.substr(2);
                formula = formula.replace(/x/g, "*"); //x is just the human version of *
                formula = formula.replace(/[} ]/g, ""); //a random char being the result of misinterpretation; occasionally happening on the login form
                //console.log(formula); //re-enable this to debug how the captchasolving is doing so far
                window[captchaIdentifier] = false; //not really necessary IF directly triggering a classic non-ajax post request

attachNotification = (identifier, notification) => {
    el = "<p style='color: red;'>" + notification + "</p>";
    prevEl = J(identifier).prev()[0];
    if (prevEl == undefined || prevEl.innerText != notification)
       return J(el).insertBefore(identifier);

removeNotification = (el) => {
    if (el != undefined)

alertOnce = (message, identifier) => {
    localIdentifier = (identifier != undefined) ? identifier : message;
    if (shownWarnings.indexOf(localIdentifier) == -1) {

//runtime vars
let previousVideo = "";
/** indicates if a warning/message has already been shown. Happens once per window. Use alertOnce() */
let shownWarnings = [];

setInterval(() => {
    if (J("*:contains('503 Service Unavailable')").length) {
        console.log("Server Error! reloading...");
    } else if (J("*:contains('not logged in!')").length) {
        window.location.href = "login.php"
    } else if (J("*:contains('Failed. You did not successfully solve the problem.')").length) {
        J("a:contains('Try Again')")[0].click()
    } else {
            switch (document.location.pathname) {
                case "/login.php":
                    if (!J("#password").val().length) attachNotification("#username", "Consider storing your login data in your browser.")
                    captcha = J("img[alt='Enter The Numbers']");
                    if (captcha.length)
                        solveCaptcha(captcha[0], J("input[name='postcaptcha']"), "ylh_login_captchasolving");
                case "/bonuspoints.php":
                    if (J("body:contains('You have made ')").length && J("body:contains(' Hits out of ')").length) {
                        attachNotification(".maintable", "Not enough points. Reloading the website in 2 minutes to check again...");
                        setTimeout(() => location.reload(), 1000 * 120);
                    } else if (J(".buybutton").length) J(".buybutton")[0].click()
                case "/youtubenew2.php":
                    if (J('body:contains("failed")').length) location.reload(); //captcha failed?
                    if (J(".followbutton").length) { //if false, there is likely a captcha waiting to be solved
                        let vidID = () => { return J(".followbutton").first().parent().children("span[id*='count']").attr("id") };
                        let patienceKiller = (prev) => { setTimeout( () => { if (vidID() == prev) { J(".followbutton").parent().children("a:contains('Skip')").click(); newWin.close(); }}, 1000 * 135)}; //max time: 120s + 15s grace time (max length:
                        //console.log(previousVideo + " " + vidID() + (previousVideo != vidID() ? " true": " false"));
                        if (vidID() != previousVideo) { //has a new video has been provided yet? This will overcome slow network connections causing the same video to be played over and over
                            previousVideo = vidID();
                            if (window.eval("typeof(window.newWin) !== 'undefined'")) {
                                if (newWin.closed) {
                                    console.log("Watching one Video!");
                            } else {
                                console.log("Watching one Video!");
                        } //else do nothing and wait (until the video gets replaced or our patience thread tears)
                    } else {
                        captcha = J("img[src*='captchayt']");
                        if (captcha.length) //captcha? no problemo, amigo.
                            solveCaptcha(captcha[0], J("input[name='answer']"), "ylh_yt_traffic_captchasolving", () => J("input[value='Submit']").first().click());
        GM.getValue("ylh_traffic_tab_open", false).then(state => {
            switch (document.location.pathname) {
                case "/websites.php":
                    if (J("*:contains('There are no Websites currently visitable for Points')").length) {
                        alertOnce("All websites were visited. Revisit/reload the page to start surfing again.")
                    } else {
                        if (!state && window.eval("typeof(window.childWindow) !== 'undefined'")) {
                            if (!childWindow.closed)
                        } else if (state && window.eval("typeof(window.childWindow) == 'undefined'")) {
                            console.log("no child window is actually open. let's create a new tab as if we came here for the very first time!");
                            state = false;
                        var buttons = J(".followbutton:visible");
                        if (buttons.length) {
                            if (!state) {
                                console.log("setting the tabstate to true...");
                                GM.setValue('ylh_traffic_tab_open', true).then(() => {
                                    console.log("Visiting a new page...");
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            console.log("We ran out of buttons! requesting more...");
                            //GM.getValue("ylh_traffic_reloadlimit", false).then(rlimit => {
                            if (window.eval("typeof(window.childWindow) !== 'undefined'") && childWindow.closed) //without this we would not wait for the last link of the page to be visited successfully
                case "/viewwebsite.php":
                    if (!J("*:contains('been logged out of YouLikeHits')").length) {
                        if (J(".alert:visible:contains('You got'):contains('Points')").length || J('body:contains("We couldn\'t locate the website you\'re attempting to visit.")').length) {
                            console.log("setting the tabstate to false...");
                            GM.setValue('ylh_traffic_tab_open', false).then(() => { //free the way for a new tab
                                /*window.close(); //might not always work in FF
                                setTimeout (window.close, 1000);*/
                        } else if (J("*:contains('viewing websites too quickly!  Please wait')").length) location.reload();
                    } else alert("Please reload the website list, and make sure you are still logged in.");
}, globalInterval);



Menambah Jam Tayang Channel Youtube dengan Youlikehits

License:GNU General Public License v3.0