# create an env called conda-env based on anaconda and python3.7
conda create --name conda-env anaconda python=3.7
# list all conda envs
conda env list
# activate conda-env env
conda activate conda-env
# install pandas in current env
conda install pandas
# update pandas in current env
conda update pandas
# remove pandas in current env
conda remove pandas
# list all packages in current env
conda list
# quit current env
conda deactivate
# more than belowc.NotebookApp.open_browser=Falsec.NotebookApp.ip=''c.NotebookApp.password='<Your_Password>'c.NotebookApp.token=''# don't require
Launch and enjoy
nohup jupyter notebook
Install spacy in conda-env
conda activate ./conda-env
pip install spacy # sometimes use pip
python -m spacy download en