Gee-aitcH / GHMP-NukeAlert

Mindustry Nuke Alert Plugin. Full of Features.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nuke Alert Made By GH

(updated to v96.0.5)


All commands are under the prefix "ghna", which stands for GH's Nuke Alert. An Example of a Working Command - "ghna help". There are a few configurable settings like "mode", "al", "cnp", "logging". In addition, there are "bn", dn" and "rtrs".

mode: The Activeness of the plugin.

al: aka Alert Level, 0 = No one can hear the alert, 1 = only Admins can hear the alert, 2 = Everyone can hear the alert.

cnp: aka Core Nuke Protection, 0 = No Protection at all, 1 = Disable Explosions Near Core Only, 2 = Disable Explosions Everywhere on the map.

logging: The Activeness of the plugin's logging system, used for recording the nuke logs

bn: List the Nukes that was once Built on the map

dn: List the Nukes that was Destoryed

rtrs - List all the thorium reactors and their distance to the nearest ally core on the map


bn - List the Nukes that was once Built on the map (could be a long list)

dn - List the Nukes that was Destoryed (could be a long list)

rtrs - List all the thorium reactors and their distance to the nearest ally core on the map

mode - Display current mode

mode <true|false> - Change mode to

al - Display current nuke announce level

al <0|1|2> - Change who can hear the nuke alert (0 = No one, 1 = Admins only, 2 = Everyone)

aac - Display current Allow Admin Configure mode

aac <true|false> - Change to Admin can Configure the settings of this plugin or not

alim - Display current amount of max nuke alerts (/s)

alim - Change the amount of max nuke alerts (/s) (-1 = No Limit)

cnp - Display current Core Nuke Protection Status

cnp <0|1|2> - Change Core Nuke Protection Status (0 = No Protection, 1 = Near Core Only, 2 = Everywhere on the map)

interval - Display current Nuke Alert Interval

interval <0|1|2> - Change Nuke Alert Interval (-1 = No Limit)

logging - Display current Logging mode

logging <true|false> - Change to Log or not to log the logs of nukes related to that game

clear - Clear the Alerting List of Nukes

help - Display this message again

Note: allowadminconfig is set to true by default, meaning admins can configure the settings. To switch off, do ghna aac false in server console.


Clone this repository first. To edit the plugin display name and other data, take a look at src/main.resources/plugin.json. Edit the name of the project itself by going into settings.gradle.

Basic Usage

See src/main/java/ghnukealert/ for some basic commands and event handlers. Every main plugin class must extend Plugin. Make sure that plugin.json points to the correct main plugin class.

Please note that the plugin system is in early alpha, and is subject to major changes.

Building a Jar

gradlew jar / ./gradlew jar

Output jar should be in build/libs.


Simply place the output jar from the step above in your server's config/plugins directory and restart the server. List your currently installed plugins by running the plugins command.


Mindustry Nuke Alert Plugin. Full of Features.


Language:Java 100.0%