GeOSMRob / wfs-downloader

Downloads GML files from a set of WFS service in a pseudo-paginated way using bounding boxes.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comGeOSMRob/wfs-downloaderRepository from Github https://github.comGeOSMRob/wfs-downloader

WFS Downloader

Downloads GML files from a set of WFS service in a pseudo-paginated way using bounding boxes and combine them again to one file.


pip install wfs-downloader


Create a config.yml specifying your setup like this:

layer: fis:s_wfs_baumbestand_an

  west:   370000.0
  south: 5800000.0
  east:   415000.0
  north: 5837000.0

size: 10000
outputfile: strassenbaeume.xml
projection: EPSG:25833
tmpdir: /tmp


  • url is the url of the WFS Service,
  • layer is the name of the Layer,
  • bbox is the bounding box for th objects you want to retrieve,
  • size is the extend of a single request (or page),
  • outputfile is the name of the resulting GML file,
  • projection is the used projection, and
  • tmpfile is the path to the directory to store temporary files for each request.

Then run the script with the config.yml as argument:

wfs-downloader config.yml


$ wfs-downloader --help
usage: Downloads GML files from a set of WFS service in a pseudo-paginated way using bounding boxes and combine them again to one file. The WFS services are specified in

positional arguments:
  config         config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --no-download  skip the download
  --no-combine   skip the combine


Downloads GML files from a set of WFS service in a pseudo-paginated way using bounding boxes.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%