Ge0 / cookiecutter-python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python project template

An opinionated Cookiecutter template for Python projects.




Install the latest Cookiecutter if you haven't installed it yet, preferably in a virtualenv:

pip install cookiecutter

Generate a Python package project:

cookiecutter . -o ~/repos/


The following configuration keys are available:

author_name and author_email: Name and email address of the author. Used in package metadata.

project_title: The project display title, with capitals, whitespaces and whatnots. Used in the README file and in the project documentation.

project_slug: The lowercase, dash-separated version of the project title. Used as toplevel directory name and in package metadata.

project_description: A short sentence to describe the project. Used in the README file, project docstrings and package metadata.

project_url: Homepage of the project. Used in package metadata.

project_license: License of the project. Used to generate the license file and in package metadata.

project_copyright: Copyright notice. Used in the project documentation and package metadata.

project_package: Name of the toplevel Python package.

project_prog: If the project is a program, the name of the main console script.

version_scheme: Versioning scheme used by the project, either semantic versioning or calendar versioning. Used in the project changelog.

project_version: The initial project version.

python_min_version: Minimum Python version to be supported.

cli_parser: Command-line parsing library to use in the entry point, either Click or argparse. If not set, no console script is generated.

linter: Optional source code linter (Flake8).

type_checker: Optional type checker (Mypy).

code_formatter: Optional source code formatter (Black).

test_suite: Optional framework to run unit tests (Pytest with

doc_generator: Optional documentation generator (Sphinx).

vcs: Optionally initialize a new SCM repository (Git).

ci: Optionally generate a CI configuration file. Both GitLab CI and Travis CI are supported.



Language:Python 86.2%Language:Batchfile 7.9%Language:Makefile 6.0%