Gauthamjm007 / ngo

A mern stack application along with material ui , formik and redux

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Twitter Fetching Tweets

A MERN stack application built to filter ,sort NGO and also to claim the NGO

Table of Contents


Tech Stack Used :
Front End:React,Redux,Formik,Material UI
Back End:Express,Mongoose,Validator(npm package to interact with twitter api)

Problem Statement

Objective Design and develop a Full Stack NGO details view and claim page

Functional Requirements:


  1. Create an NGO object with 7 fields- Logo (image url), Name (text), Registration date (date), Can receive foreign funding (boolean), E-mail ID for correspondence (Email format), Address (Line 1, Line 2, City, District, State, Pincode), Claimed/Unclaimed (boolean)
  2. Feed 5 dummy NGOs into the DB (all with complete information set)


  1. Create a search section, to search for NGOs by Name, Filter them by "Can receive foreign funding", "State", "District", "City". (Make this responsive)
  2. Populate the filtered set (based on the search criteria) (Make this responsive)
  3. If the NGO is unclaimed, show a "CLAIM" button against it. If the NGO is claimed, show a button which reads "VIEW PROFILE" against it.
  4. Upon clicking on the "CLAIM" button, take me to a form like this: (Replicate the fields) and pre-populate all the 7 fields which already existed. (Make all fields mandatory)
  5. Upon filling the form and submitting, change the Claimed/Unclaimed status to Claimed.

Overview of the solution

  1. Building the backend for storing the data and CRUD operations for the NGO datas

2.Building front end with React,Redux for state management and formik

Important Folders and Files

 ┣ node_modules
 ┣ client
 ┣ app
 ┃  ┣ controllers
 ┃        ┗ ngoController.js     (How to handle backend when user searched for it)
 ┃  ┣ middleware
 ┃  ┗ models
 ┃         ┗ ngo.js             (model of the file)
 ┣ config
 ┃      ┣ database.js           (Connects to the mongoDB database with the required config)
 ┃      ┗ routes.js             (Containes all backend points)
 ┣ .gitignore
 ┣ package.json                     (Contains all the packages and dependencies)
 ┣                        ( A Brief Description of the project)
 ┗ index.js                        (A Main backend file having all backend functions)

 ┣  public
 ┃    ┗ index.html            (contains header , ico icon )
 ┗	src
     ┃     ┗ ngo.js           (contains what the user searches for)
     ┃     ┗ ngoReducer.js      (Redux reducer containing what action to perform)
     ┃     ┗ configStore.js     (A Redux Store)
           ┣ card
           ┃ ┣ ngoCard.js     (Card for displaying data of NGO)
           ┃ ┣ ngoDetails.js  (Ngo details page)
           ┃ ┗ styles.js      (styles of the card)
           ┣ form
           ┃ ┗ editForm.js     (Form for editing the details)
           ┣ navBar
           ┃ ┣ navBar.js        (Navigation bar)
           ┃ ┣ styles.js
           ┃ ┗ ThemeToggler.js  (Theme toggler to toogle between day and night themes)
           ┗ theme
              ┃ ┣ index.js
              ┃ ┣ palette.js
              ┃ ┣ theme.js
              ┃ ┣ ThemeContext.js
              ┃ ┣ ThemeProvider.js
                ┗ typography.js
    ┣ App.css
    ┣ App.js             (Main app file that contains the main js file)
    ┣ index.css
    ┗ index.js           (The index app containg store)
    ┣ package.json                     (Contains all the packages and dependencies)


concurrently >=3.6.0
express >= 4.16.3,
loadash: "^1.0.0",
mongoose: "^5.9.10",
validator: "^13.0.0",
@date-io/moment: ^1.3.13,
@material-ui/core: ^4.9.11,
@material-ui/icons: ^4.9.1,
@material-ui/lab: ^4.0.0-alpha.50,
@material-ui/pickers: ^3.2.10,
@testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4,
@testing-library/react: ^9.5.0,
@testing-library/user-event: ^7.2.1,
axios: ^0.19.2,
formik: ^2.1.4,
formik-material-ui: ^2.0.0-beta.1,
formik-material-ui-pickers: 0.0.8,
loadash: ^1.0.0,
moment: ^2.24.0,
react: ^16.13.1,
react-dom: ^16.13.1,
react-redux: ^7.2.0,
react-router-dom: ^5.1.2,
react-scripts: 3.4.1,
redux: ^4.0.5,
redux-thunk: ^2.3.0,
styled-components: ^5.1.0,
sweetalert2: ^9.10.12,


Install latest version of Node JS and Google Chrome

to run in local repository you can run

cd ngo

npm install

cd client

npm install

cd ..

npm run dev



A mern stack application along with material ui , formik and redux


Language:JavaScript 94.1%Language:HTML 4.8%Language:CSS 1.1%