GauriJagatap / StochAT

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Important scripts and notebooks for experiments on ATENT.

notebooks/ folder contains [corresponding figures and tables in paper]:

  1. cifar10_exps_linf.ipynb (CIFAR10 experiments on WideResNet34 for L-Inf attacks) [Table 3 and Figure 3]
  2. cifar10_exps_l2.ipynb (CIFAR10 experiments on ResNet18 or ResNer20 for L-2 attacks) [Table 4 and Table 5]
  3. mnist_exps_linf.ipynb (MNIST experiments on small CNN for L-Inf attacks) [Table 2]
  4. mnist_exps_l2.ipynb (MNIST experiments on LeNet5 for L-2 attacks) [Table 1]
  5. ATENT_as_attack.ipynb (script that runs ATENT as an attack on pretrained model) [Table 6]
  6. twoclass_decision_boundary.ipynb (notebook to generate visualizations of decision boundaries of ATENT, TRADES, PGD, SGD for 2-D classification) [Figure 1]

scripts/ folder contains:

  1. (containing CW and DeepFool attacks. PGD attacks are already included in all notebooks.)

adversarial/ folder contains:

  1. (containing main module required to generate SGLD updates)



Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.4%Language:Python 4.6%