GauravKakoti / CodeChat

Developed a web-based chatbot application that allows users to create and personalize their own Hackchat bots, providing easy access to code execution and debugging functionalities. Integrated with the OpenAI API to enable accurate responses to users' queries.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Description:

The project is a web-based chatbot application built using ReactJS, Chat Engine, Redux, RTK Query, React Router, heroicons, node-expressJS, and integrated with the OpenAI API. The application's main purpose is to provide users with an easy-to-use interface to interact with Hackchat bots created by themselves. The bots are dedicated to specific programming languages and topics and can help users with code execution and debugging.

The OpenAI API is a crucial component of the project, and it enables the bots to respond to users' queries accurately. The API is powered by a set of models with different capabilities and price points like GPT-4, which allows for a wide range of use cases, including natural language processing, code generation, and image processing.

Chat Engine is used as a component that handles the logic for displaying and managing a chat interface, which makes it easier for users to communicate with the bots. Additionally, the application's authentication and routing are implemented using node, express, and axios libraries, ensuring that user data is secured and accessible only to authorized users.

One of the main features of the application is personalization. Users can personalize their experience by creating their Hackchat bots, which will enable them to interact with the bots they want. The bots can execute code snippets provided by users and return the results of the execution. Furthermore, they can help users debug their code by providing suggestions and solutions, making the application an essential tool for developers and programmers.

Overall, this project is a sophisticated and innovative chatbot application that uses cutting-edge technologies and features to provide users with a unique and personalized experience.


Developed a web-based chatbot application that allows users to create and personalize their own Hackchat bots, providing easy access to code execution and debugging functionalities. Integrated with the OpenAI API to enable accurate responses to users' queries.


Language:JavaScript 54.7%Language:SCSS 43.8%Language:HTML 1.5%