GarrickLin / threadpool-1-or-threadpool-5-

why using threadpool(5) makes different result

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from future import print_function import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import threading #from multiprocessing import Pool from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool #from threading import Pool import time proxy_ips=[] header={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.835.163 Safari/535.1'} proxy_ips_url=r'./ips0.txt' def get_ips(i): url=r''+str(i)+'/' print(url) resp=requests.get(url,headers=header) soup=BeautifulSoup(resp.text,'html') ips_tr=soup.find_all('tr') for ip_tr in ips_tr: if ip_tr.find_all('td'): ip=ip_tr.find_all('td')[0].text print(ip) proxy_ips.append(ip)

def multi_processing(): time1=time.time() pool = ThreadPool(5) #注意这里,[x for x in range(1,11)]) print("proxy_ips", proxy_ips) with open("multi_ip.txt",'w') as f: for ip in proxy_ips: f.write(ip+'\n') time2=time.time() print(time1-time2)

def single_prcessing(): for i in range(10):
get_ips(i) with open("single_ip.txt",'a') as f: for ip in proxy_ips: f.write(ip+'\n')

if name =='main': #single_prcessing() multi_processing()


why using threadpool(5) makes different result