GaniyevUz / Instagram-clone

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Instagram Clone Using Django Rest Framework

Cloning Instagram using Django Rest Framework (DRF) is a challenging and comprehensive project that covers a wide range of features. Here's a roadmap structure to help guide you through the process of building a simplified version of Instagram using DRF:

1. Project Setup:

  • Set up a new Django project for your Instagram clone. ✅
  • Create virtual environment and install necessary packages (Django, DRF, etc.). ✅
  • Configure your project settings, database, and static files. ✅

2. User Authentication:

  • Implement user registration and login functionalities.
  • Use DRF's built-in authentication classes (Token Authentication) or implement your own.
  • Handle user profiles, including avatar images and basic information.

3. User Profiles:

  • Create user profiles with information like profile pictures, bio, and follower/following counts.
  • Implement endpoints to view and update user profiles.

4. Posts:

Design models for user posts including images, captions, and timestamps. Implement API endpoints to create, view, update, and delete posts. Add features like liking, commenting, and sharing posts.

5. Follow/Follower System:

Implement a system for users to follow other users and view their posts. Build API endpoints to manage followers and followings. Allow users to see a feed of posts from users they follow.

6. Likes and Comments:

Create models for post likes and comments. Implement API endpoints to like/unlike posts and add/view comments.

7. Direct Messaging:

Design models for private messages between users. Implement API endpoints for sending and receiving messages. Consider adding real-time notifications for new messages.

8. Explore and Search:

Build a feature that allows users to explore new content and discover new users. Implement search functionality to find users and posts.

9. User Activity Feed:

Create a feed that shows users their own activity, such as likes and comments on their posts.

10. Hashtags and Trends:

Implement the ability to add hashtags to posts. Create a feature that displays trending hashtags.

11. Notifications:

Build a system for sending notifications to users when they receive likes, comments, or new followers. Consider using real-time technologies like WebSockets for instant notifications.

12. UI/UX Design:

Design the user interface for the web application using HTML, CSS, and possibly a front-end framework like React. Ensure responsive design for various devices.

13. Testing:

Write unit tests and integration tests for various functionalities. Test user authentication, post creation, following, liking, and other key features.

14. Deployment:

Deploy your Instagram clone to a hosting provider. Configure web server, database, and security settings for production.

15. Documentation:

Create comprehensive documentation for your project, including API endpoints, models, and setup instructions.



Language:Python 99.2%Language:Makefile 0.8%