Ganitzsh / GophileManager

File manager written with the golang framework Revel (

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


GophileManager is a web app allowing you easily manipulate your files in a specific directory.

The motivation behind this project is simple, I wanted to use Go - my favorite language - to build something that I would use daily. I'm very often manipulating files from my seedbox.

I was using nginx to access a specific directory and get some files from it. It was not convenient and very ugly. Plus, if I wanted to do a little bit of file management I had to connect to my server through SSH.

And then, one day, I realized it was 2016 and that my knowledge of Go was more than enough to do something cool and clean to avoid spending too much time doing annoying things.

So I developed GophileManager!

You can try it here: Demo

NOTE: This demo contains placeholders for the most.

Security note

This is not a finished product. I'm only working on it in my free time. I am not responsible for the bad things that might happen to you while using it. Use at your own risks.

You can use the SSL protocol with this app, to do so follow the instructions here: Revel conf doc


First, you have to clone the repository inside your GOPATH. Then, you can either directly run it using the revel CLI:

revel run <run_mod> # prod or dev

Or you can build it with:

# target_dir is the directory where to put the built files
revel build <target_dir> <run_mode>

Then, you'll have to run the app using the script inside the freshly created <target_dir> and you should be ready to configure!


Configuration file

In order to fully experience the greatness of GophileManager, the app.conf file needs to be updated.

If you run the app directly from the cloned repository, you'll find this file in <repo>/confing/app.conf.

If you chose to build the app, you can find it in <target_dir>/src/

Open it with your beloved text editor and find the following part:

# app.main_dir = /tmp
# app.trash_dir = /tmp/trash
# = http://localhost
  • app.main_dir is the directory you want to manage

  • app.trash_dir is the directory that's ought to be used a trash (not kewl!)

    • NOTE: If not set, the trash system won't be available and you won't be able to delete the files.
  • is VERY IMPORTANT. This is the URL from which the clients are going to call the app. E.g: you want to type this address in your browser: then you will have to write: = It also works with https://.

    • NOTE: The reason for this is the CORS specification, if this variable isn't set correctly the websockets won't work and no feedback will be given to you.

These 3 variables have to be set to fully enjoy GophileManager.

Script file

The client-side of the app needs to connect to the Socket.IO server.

To do so, you must edit the script.js file located here: <repo>/public/js/script.js and find the following line:

socket = io('http://localhost:9000');

Replace 'localhost' with your server's host. If your domain name is then replace write

socket = io('');

If you changed the port number inside the app.conf file, make sure to update the port as well.

NOTE: It doesn't seem to work behind a proxy. I tested it with an nginx proxy redirecting the calls to the port 9000 to a virtualhost, but no luck so far.

All set!

The default port of the app is 9000. Once it is up and running You can then access GophileManager here:


NOTE: The /app needs to be added!

What is it? And what can I achieve wit this?

GophileManager is primarily a file manager.

The main framework used to run the app is Revel, coupled with the Go's Socket.IO implementation.


With GophileManager you can achieve few operations on files:

  • Delete
  • Compress (as a .tar ball)
  • Download
  • Navigate through the directories


GophileManager comes with a nice responsive GUI made with bootstrap.

File analysis

The files contained in the directory managed by GophileManager and all it's children are analyzed in order to dynamically separate the files in categories.

Each category has sub-categories except for the directories (yes, they are files as well! But special ones)

Trash system

GophileManager comes with a trash system. It is a directory that's going to be used as a trash. The unneeded files are placed into the trash before you can erased them from the disk.

This feature can be disabled, but the main purpose is to avoid mistakes! Once a file is deleted, it's gone!

The trash can be emptied with a single push of a button.


The server is using SocketIO to give feedback to the user for time-consuming operations. The page can be reloaded during an operation (e.g: compression, conversion), and a notification will be sent to the clients when it's done or in case of failure.


As the main purpose of GophileManager is to manage a directory, you can easily navigate through it's content. Some navigation options are easily reachable such as:

  • Reload the content
  • Going back to parent (..)
  • Back in the main directory (home)
  • Access the trash
  • Empty the trash

Common operations

Some common file operations from GophileManager:

  • Move to trash
  • Compress
  • Download


With GophileManager, you can easily create an archive from any file.

Simply press the button, a dialog is going to ask you for the new name and create a .tar archive right away!

Special operations

Some special operations are made possible for particular file formats.


GophileManager Offers the possibility to preview an image.


A few formats of video are recognized by GophileManager.

If the video is in the mp4 format, you can play it directly from your browser! Awesome right?

If the ffmpeg program is installed on your machine, GophileManager allows you to convert any video into the mp4 format. The new file will be placed in the same directory with the same name but with a .mp4 extension.

NOTE: The video won't be re-encoded. ffmpeg will use the original codec but will rewrite the video as an mp4 file. The main reason is a matter of performance of the hosting machine, re-encoding a video takes a lot of time and CPU resources. It will work most of the time, but I had a lot of troubles with the avi format. Just try and see what happens.


Each feature is accessible from a specific route, you can then develop your own client.

NOTE: More documentation will come in the future. For now, take a look at the code!


File manager written with the golang framework Revel (

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 83.0%Language:Go 8.5%Language:HTML 6.9%Language:CSS 1.6%