Ganesh-Chavan / TodoServerless

Serverless todo list based on Azure Functions and CosmosDB

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Azure Functions Todo List Sample

Note: this application is referenced in the blog post A Serverless ToDo List

This sample demonstrates a single page application (SPA) hosted on Azure Storage, with an api backend built using Azure Functions. The site uses proxies to route the site html and js content of the SPA back to the storage account, CosmosDB to store data, and Azure Active Directory for authentication.


This code can be run locally (using the Azure Functions CLI and CosmosDB emulator) as well as in Azure. Instructions for both are below.

The application is a simple Todo list where users can add items "todo". The items are stored in a single CosmosDB document collection but each user can only access their items (user identification is via the claims from the authentication mechanism).

The SPA is pretty simple with Bootstrap for styles, Knockout.js for data binding, and JQuery for ajax calls.

Users can add new items to their list, or mark existing items as complete (which deletes them). The inital call to the API pulls the current list of items for the user, along with the user's display name (from the auth claims).

Note: if you are looking for a Functions 2.0 version, refer to (uses Cosmos DB for data storage and implements authentication) or (uses Azure Storage Tables for data storage and does not implement authentication).

Setup steps on Localhost

  1. Install the Azure CLI tools from here:

  2. If you want to use the emulator for local development, install the CosmosDB emulator from here:

  3. In the emulator or in Azure, create a new document collection called 'TodoItems' in a new database called 'ServerlessTodo' and set the Partition Key to '/ItemOwner'

  4. Update the connection string in local.settings.json to the one for the emulator or Azure

  5. Right click the solution, choose properties, and set both the ui and api project to start.

Setup steps on Azure

  1. Create a new Azure Functions app

  2. Create a CosmosDB account

  3. Create a new document collection called 'TodoItems' in a new database called 'ServerlessTodo' and set the Partition Key to '/ItemOwner'

  4. Copy the connetions string for the CosmosDB account and paste it into a new application setting in the function app called 'AzureWebJobsDocumentDBConnectionString'

  5. In the storage account for the functions app (or in a different storage account or CDN), upload the static content and mark as public

  6. Add a CORS setting in the Azure Functions app to allow origins from where the static content is hosted

  7. Update the proxies.json file to point to the location where the static files are located

  8. Update the remoteUrl locations in vars.js to point to the functions endpoint

  9. Enable AAD authentication in the Functions App and ensure the option to Login with Azure Active Directory is selected


Serverless todo list based on Azure Functions and CosmosDB

License:MIT License


Language:C# 44.8%Language:JavaScript 31.3%Language:HTML 23.9%