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Icecream Revenue Prediction Watch Video Tutorial

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Step 1 : import library

import pandas as pd

Step 2 : import data

icecream = pd.read_csv('')

Step 3 : define target (y) and features (X)


Index(['Temperature', 'Revenue'], dtype='object')

y = icecream['Revenue']

X = icecream[['Temperature']]

Step 4 : train test split

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y, train_size=0.7, random_state=2529)

check shape of train and test sample

X_train.shape, X_test.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape

((350, 1), (150, 1), (350,), (150,))

Step 5 : select model

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression model = LinearRegression()

Step 6 : train or fit model,y_train)

LinearRegression() In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook. On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with





Step 7 : predict model

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)


array([645.7291738 , 380.7149547 , 180.33835001, 247.13055157, 415.18834905, 283.75853308, 372.09660611, 671.58421957, 675.89339386, 684.51174245, 531.536055 , 613.41036659, 361.32367037, 303.1498174 , 158.79247854, 473.36220203, 611.25577945, 615.56495374, 512.14477068, 805.16862269, 268.67642305, 441.04339482, 436.73422053, 861.18788852, 531.536055 , 216.96633151, 725.44889825, 311.76816599, 505.68100924, 466.89844059, 684.51174245, 960.29889729, 550.92733933, 615.56495374, 367.78743182, 404.41541332, 413.03376191, 662.96587098, 876.26999855, 544.46357788, 811.63238414, 686.6663296 , 486.28972491, 322.54110172, 637.11082521, 798.70486125, 438.88880767, 790.08651266, 684.51174245, 497.06266065, 380.7149547 , 479.82596347, 479.82596347, 563.85486221, 665.12045813, 453.9709177 , 688.82091675, 647.88376095, 391.48789043, 662.96587098, 507.83559638, 309.61357884, 397.95165188, 199.72963434, 387.17871614, 658.65669669, 441.04339482, 395.79706473, 652.19293524, 841.7966042 , 581.09155939, 352.70532179, 734.06724684, 350.55073464, 253.59431301, 449.66174341, 637.11082521, 135.09201992, 594.01908227, 669.42963242, 699.59385248, 598.32825656, 469.05302773, 912.89798005, 697.43926533, 835.33284275, 527.22688071, 902.12504432, 352.70532179, 423.80669764, 591.86449512, 656.50210954, 548.77275218, 188.9566986 , 641.41999951, 641.41999951, 572.4732108 , 486.28972491, 469.05302773, 632.80165092, 512.14477068, 292.37688166, 729.75807254, 477.67137632, 63.99064406, 395.79706473, 591.86449512, 469.05302773, 568.1640365 , 602.63743086, 736.22183398, 492.75348635, 337.62321175, 656.50210954, 423.80669764, 313.92275314, 458.280092 , 419.49752335, 456.12550485, 559.54568791, 522.91770641, 206.19339578, 742.68559543, 673.73880672, 367.78743182, 690.97550389, 712.52137536, 520.76311927, 309.61357884, 626.33788948, 803.01403555, 576.78238509, 738.37642113, 645.7291738 , 453.9709177 , 578.93697224, 566.00944936, 589.70990798, 447.50715626, 434.57963338, 555.23651362, 509.99018353, 641.41999951, 475.51678917, 441.04339482, 703.90302678, 410.87917476, 462.58926629, 410.87917476, 305.30440455])

Step 8 : model accuracy

from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_absolute_percentage_error, mean_squared_error






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