GalacticDynamics / quaxed

Pre-quaxed libraries for use in multiple dispatch over abstract array types in JAX.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comGalacticDynamics/quaxedRepository from Github https://github.comGalacticDynamics/quaxed


Pre-Quaxify'ed JAX

PyPI: quaxed PyPI versions: quaxed ReadTheDocs quaxed license

CI status ReadTheDocs codecov ruff ruff pre-commit

Quaxed wraps jax libraries (using quax) to enable using those libraries with custom array-ish objects, not only jax arrays.


PyPI version PyPI platforms

pip install quaxed


Read The Docs

Quick Start

To understand how quax works it's magic, see quax.quaxify and the tutorials.

To use this library, it's as simple as:

# Import pre-quaxified library
>>> import quaxed.numpy as jnp  # this is quaxify(jax.numpy)

# As an example, let's import an array-ish object
>>> from unxt import Quantity
>>> x = Quantity(2, "km")
>>> jnp.square(w)
Quantity['area'](Array(4, dtype=int64, weak_type=True), unit='km2')


Actions Status Documentation Status codecov SPEC 0 — Minimum Supported Dependencies pre-commit ruff

We welcome contributions!



If you found this library to be useful and want to support the development and maintenance of lower-level utility libraries for the scientific community, please consider citing this work.


Pre-quaxed libraries for use in multiple dispatch over abstract array types in JAX.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%