Gabrielle Maxey's repositories
We’ve designed Spiral to be a solution for artists looking for a social media platform to connect with one another and share their work. Spiral allows artists to create their own profile, post, and share their artwork, and meet other artists. This is a group project for DU Full Stack Coding BootCamp. Authors: metasabeya, GabrielleM45, maynperalta, keldykins
A group project demonstrating the use of Node, Express, Handlebars.js, MySQL with Sequelize ORM, Passport, Get and Post Routes, and deployed via Heroku.
Initial base code provided by DU Full Stack Bootcamp. Students are responsible for refactoring the code to convert the original application to a Progressive Web Application demonstrating the ability to access and fully utilize the application while offline.
Eat-Da-Hamberder! is a restaurant app that lets users input the names of berders they'd like to eat.
This Console Management System is Node.js based Employee Tracker. Through a series of prompts you can view, update, add, or remove data. Data is stored in a MySQL database.
A group project focusing on end user interactivity through the use of server side and third party APIs, and CSS styling. Movia is a trivia application that will take you through a series of 10 random questions. Once the quiz is completed you will be given the option to search for a movie database.
Updated portfolio page using React.
This application provides a platform for users to enter and track daily workouts. Users can log multiple workouts on a given day and then view a graph of their progress. This application has npm dependencies and requires the use of MongoDB.
This application uses an express backend and saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file. It gives end users a simple interface for taking notes. User can create and save notes. Each note is given a unique ID for future reference.
This is a continuing work in progress to show my current skill set. As new work is developed this page will be updated.
Build performant, native and cross-platform desktop applications with native React + powerful CSS like styling.🚀
a command-line application that dynamically generates a professional Application accepts user input in order to generate the file. This application uses inquirer npm and node.js
This is a Node CLI application that receives user input to build an HTML webpage to display employee team details. This application uses jest and inquirer npm dependencies.